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Vzdělání/ Education:

2014 - docent in the history of British and American literature

1998 - 2002 - Ph.D. in English and American Literature, Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic

1989 - 1996 - Master in English Philology and in Philosophy, Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic

Studijní a badatelské stáže/ Academic internships and awards

March – September 2012 – University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA – visiting researcher

January – March 2010 - Amherst College, Amherst, MA, USA– Fulbright research scholar

December 2010 - Jagiellonian University, Krakow – LLP Erasmus

1991-92 – Earlham College, Richmond, IN, USA – Charles Merrill international student scholarship

Odborné zaměření/ Research interests:

American literature, American cultural studies, childhood and coming of age in British and American fiction, contemporary American ethnic literature, children’s literature, popular genres (Anglophone crime fiction)


Monografie / Books:

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. and ROEBUCK, O. The Place It Was Done. Location and Community in Contemporary American and British Crime Fiction. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2023.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. and ROEBUCK, O. eds. Places and Spaces of Crime in Popular Imagination. Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press, 2021. ISBN 978-83-233-4980-8.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š.  Úvod do studia dětství v americké literatuře. [Introduction to the Study of Childhood in American Literature.] Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7395-214-3.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. et al. Literary Childhoods: Growing Up in British and American Literature. Červený Kostelec: Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart & Univerzita Pardubice, 2008. ISBN 978-80-86818-67-2

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š.  Literatura v Americe, Amerika v literatuře. [Literature in America, America in literature: Transformations of American Literary Canon]. Červený Kostelec: Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart, 2007. ISBN 978-80-86818-58-0

Články v odborných časopisech/ articles in journals:

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. and ROEBUCK, O.  "Islands of Crime: The Island as a Setting in Crime Fiction." Clues: A Journal of Detection 42, no. 1 (2024): 88–97.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Urban Setting in Contemporary American Crime Fiction.”  Hradec Králové Journal of Anglophone Studies 9, no. 1–2 (2022): 74–80.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. and ROEBUCK, O. “Female Investigators: Rewriting the Masculine Narrative of Crime Fiction.” American and British Studies Annual 15 (2022): 89–99.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. and ROEBUCK, O. “Zločin v divočině: Environmentální rozměr současné americké detektivní prózy.” Svět literatury 2, no. 4 (2022): 67–79. (Jsc, 50%)

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “The Destruction of the Idyll: Linda Castillo’s and Jodi Picoult’s Amish Crime Fiction. Ars Aeterna 13, no. 1 (2021): 1–15. DOI: 10.2478/aa-2021-0001.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š.  “Growing up in Yoknapatawpha: Race, Code/s and the Loss of Innocence in William Faulkner’s Short Stories.” In Esse 10, 1 (2020): 34–47.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. "Zločin v různých odstínech (pleti): Podoby a kořeny současné americké etnické detektivky." Litikon: časopis pre výskum literatúry 4, no. 1 (2019): 29-37.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Writing Personal Trauma in Young Adult Fiction: Benjamin Zephaniah’s Refugee Boy and Siobhan Dowd’s Solace of the Road.” American and British Studies Annual 10 (2017): 90–100.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Fans of literature and the borders of a text.” Hradec Králové Journal of Anglophone Studies 4.2 (2017): 50–56.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Ethnicity and Social Critique in Tony Hillerman´s Crime Fiction.” Prague Journal of English Studies 5.1 (2016): 141-158.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Who Reads This and Why? The Crossover Phenomenon in Contemporary Young Adult Fiction.” Hradec Králové Journal of Anglophone Studies 2.1 (2015): 12-17. ISSN 2336-3347.     

BUBÍKOVÁ, Šárka. “We Were But Property – Not a Mother, and the Children God Had Given Her:” The Figure of a Child in Abolitionist Literature. American and British Studies Annual, vol. 7 (2014): 38-47. ISSN 1803-6058.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Šárka. “The House and the Street as Topoi in Two Chicana Bildungsromane.“ Orbis Linguarum 40 (2014): 503-512. ISSN 1426-7241.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Growing Up Barbadian American: Assimilation, Ethnicity and Identity in Brown Girl, Brownstones by Paule Marshall.” Moravian Journal of Literature and Film 3.2 (Spring 2012): 37-50. ISSN 1803-7720.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Maud Martha and the Tradition of the Ethnic Female Bildungsroman.” Litteraria Pragensia 21. 41 (July 2011): 7-21. ISSN 0862-8424.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Dětství v otroctví pohledem dobových ego-dokumentů.” Theatrum historiae 6.8 (2011): 207-225. ISSN 1802-2502.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “The Literary Image of Man in the Process of Becoming: Variations of the Bildungsroman Genre in English and American Literature.” American and British Studies Annual 4 (2011): 116-130. ISSN 1803-6058.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Bonding, Separation and Identity in Jamaica Kincaid’s Annie John.” Ostrava Journal of English Philology 3.2 (2011): 97-105. ISSN 1803-8174.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Literární obraz střetu křesťanství a indiánských náboženských tradic.” Pantheon  5.7 (2010): 125-138. ISSN 1803-2443.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Gains and Losses of Immigration in Julia Alvarez: How the García Girls Lost Their Accents.” American and British Studies Annual 3 (2010): 9-20. ISSN 1803-6058.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Multicultural Optimism or the Potential Joys of Otherness.” Moravian Journal of Literature and Film 1.1 (2009): 55-65. ISSN 1803-7720.

Kapitoly v monografiích / selected book chapters:

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Wilderness in Nevada Barr’s and Dana Stabenow’s Crime Fiction.” In Places and Spaces of Crime in Popular Imagination. Ed. by Bubíková, Šárka and Olga Roebuck, 95–108. Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press, 2021.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Everywhere else is America, but in this house it’s China!”: The Role of House and Street in American Female Ethnic Bildungsromane. In Growing up a Woman: The Private/Public Divide in the Narratives of Female Development. Ed. by Šnircová, Soňa and Milena Kostić. 178-201. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-4438-8111-1

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Transformations of the Bildungsroman in Young Adult Literature in English.” In The borders of Fantasia. Ed. by Cagnolati, Antonella. 83- 97. Cabrerizos: FahrenHouse Ediciones, 2015. ISBN 978-84-942675-9-8.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “The Urban Energy of American Modernism: Charles Demuth’s Portrait of W.C. Williams.“ In The Art of Literature, Art in Literature. Ed. by Bleinert, Magdalena, Curyllo-Klag, Izabela and Bozena Kucala, 23-31. Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press, 2014. ISBN 978-83-233-3779-9.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Growing up Under Lindberg’s Presidency: Philip Roth’s The Plot Against America as Alternate History.” In Philologica Wratislaviensia: Acta et Studia 6 - Languages in Contact. 83-92. Ed. by Wąsik, Zdzisław and Piotr P. Chruszczewski. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Filologicznej we Wrocławiu. 2011. ISBN 978-83-60097-10-6. revised version published as BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “What If? Philip Roth’s The Plot Against America.” In Confronting the Burden of History: Literary Representations of the Past. Ed. by Kucała. Bożena and Izabela Curyłło-Klag.70-82. Kraków: Universitas, 2012. ISBN 97883-242-2211-7.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Growing up in Multicultural Britain: Re-definitions of Identity, Tradition and Britishness in Two Contemporary Novels.” In Beyond 2000: The Recent Novel in English, ed. Ewa Rychter. 85-97. Wałbrzych: Wydawnictwo PWSZ AS, 2011. ISBN 978-83-88425-69-1.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Ambiguous Heritage and the Search for Identity in Native American Fiction.” In Ambiguity and the Search for Meaning: English and American Studies at the Beginning of the 21st Century, ed. by Coghen, Monika et al. 271-282. Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press, 2010. ISBN 978-83-233-3117-9.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “The Impact of the Dynamics of Literary Canon Transformations on the Teaching of American Literature.” Journal SevNGU – Pedagogy. 104 (2010) : 45-50. Sevastopol: Izdatelstvo SevNGU, ISBN 5–7763–4399–2 (recenzovaná univerzitní acta)

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “The Postmodern Coming-Of-Age Novel As a Tool For Developing Intercultural Competence in ELT.” In Obrazovatelnije strategii 21. veka: noosfernoje obrazovanie. 199-203.Sevastopol: Izdatelstvo SevNGU, 2009.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Idea ‚americtví‘ jako jedno z kritérií utváření amerického literárního kánonu.” [The Idea of „Americanness“ as a Canonical Criterion.] Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice 6 (2000): 7-17. ISBN 80-7194-341-X.

Články v recenzovaných sbornících/ papers in peer-reviewed conference proceedings:

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Not Too Cold for Crime: Alaska in Dana Stabenow's Crime Fiction.“ SILSE: Silesian studies in english 2018: proceedings of the 5th international conference of English and American studies. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, 2019. WoS 000658853200017.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Multivocality, Identity and Tradition in Michael Dorris’s A Yellow Raft in Blue Water.” From Theory to Practice 2013: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Anglophone Studies. Zlín, 2015. Wos 000373408700021.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Narrating As a Child, Reading As an Adult: Ways of Employing a Child Narrator in the American Novel.” Theories and Practices. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Anglophone Studies, September 7-8, 2011.  Trušník, Roman, Katarína Němčoková a Gregory Jason Bell (eds.). Zlín: Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, 2012. 263-271. (WoS: 000310174300025).

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Ethnicity, Individuality and Peer Pressure in Meera Syal’s Anita and Me.” In From Theory to Practice: Proceedings of the First International Conference on English and American Studies. Ed. by Trušník, R. and K. Němčoková,  171-176. Zlín: Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7318-823-8. (WoS:  ISI 000279603400018).

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Depicting Postmodern Adolescence in American Coming-of-Age Novels.” In Silesian Studies in English, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of English and American Studies, ed. by Náhliková, M. and M. Crhová, 213-225. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, 2010. (WoS: ISI 000291630800015).

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Growing Up Ethnic: Ethnicity and the Bildungsroman.” In Plurality and Diversity in English Studies. Proceedings from the 3rd Prague’s Conference on Linguistic and Literary Studies. Ed. by Gmelová, Dušková, Farrell, Pípalová, 168-175. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7290-347-4.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Unity, Plurality and Culture: Some Thoughts on Multiculturalism.” In Peaceful Multiculturalism or Culture Wars? 7-13. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7395-017-0.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Growing up Multicultural? Childhood and Multiculturalism in US.” In Peaceful Multiculturalism or Culture Wars? 14-20. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7395-017-0.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “The Formation and Transformation of American Literary Canon.” In Theory and Practice in English Studies, Vol. 2: Proceedings from the  7th Conference of British, American and Canadian Studies, 25-28. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita, 2004. ISBN 80-210-3394-0.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Theory of a Literary Canon.” In Prague’s Conference on Linguistic and Literary Studies: Proceedings, 101-106. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, 2003. ISBN 80-7290-104-4.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Ayn Rand:  Philosophy in Fiction.” In Proceedings of the 6th Conference of British, American and Canadian Studies, 58-62. Prešov, 2000, ISBN 80-8068-014-0.

Ostatní články / other articles and papers:

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Fany, fandomy a fanfic: o fanouškovství, které se stává literaturou.” Host – měsíčník pro literaturu a čtenáře 33.2 (2017): 18-21.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Jak jsem se stala autorkou fan fiction” + ukázky. TAHY, literárně kulturní časopis, 15-16 (2015): 94-112.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Indiánský Sherlock Holmes: Tony Hillerman a tradice detektivky.” Dějiny a současnost 12 (2011): 30-33. ISSN 0418-5129.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Americké dětství: jeho proměny a literární reflexe ve druhé polovině 19. století.” [American Childhood: Change and Literary Reflection in the 2nd half of the 19th Cent.] In Od početí ke školní brašně. Sborník z odborného semináře. 201-213. Pardubice: Východočeské muzeum v Pardubicích, 2008, ISBN 978-80-87151-01-3.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Význam místa v próze Louise Erdrichové.” Tahy, literárně-kulturní ročenka 1 (2007):111-115. ISSN 1802-8195.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Mezi poučením a zábavou: proměny anglicky psané literatury pro děti.” Dějiny a současnost 1 (2006): 40-43.ISSN 0418-5129.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Native American Continuity and Change in Louise Erdrich’s Work.” In Continuity and Change in Culture and Literature. 57-66. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2006. ISBN 80-7194-908-6.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “At the Cultural Crossroads: Mixed-bloods in Native American Fiction.” In Cultural Studies at the Turn of the Millennium. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Cultural Studies Conference, ed. by Bubíková, Š., Zderadičková, O. and M. Kaylor. 21-30. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2005. ISBN 80-7194-816-0.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “American Literary Types: Unusable Past?”  In New Interpretations of Cultural Phenomena. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Cultural Studies Conference. Ed. by Bubíková, Š., O. Zderadičková and M. Kaylor. 1–7. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2004. ISBN 80-7194-710-5.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Otázka identity v americké literatuře.” In Problematika identity, Identita a globalizace. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Cultural Studies Conference. Ed. by Bubíková, Š., O. Zderadičková, M. Kaylor. 1-11. Univerzita Pardubice, 2003. ISBN 80-7194-590-0.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Dogmatikou proti totalitě? Život a dílo spisovatelky Ayn Randové.” Tvar 6 (2005): 7-8. ISSN 0862-657 X.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Seeing Ourselves as the Other.” In Children’s Literature in English. 103-112. Hradec Králové: British Council, Gaudeamus, 2002. ISBN 80-7041-940-7.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Teréza Nováková a Thomas Hardy: Moderní prvky v klasickém románu.” In Předzvěsti, předchůdci, precedenty: pokračující vliv 19. století na moderní texty a kontexty, 38-45. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2002. ISBN 80-7194-462-2.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š., ZDERADIČKOVÁ, O. “Student Conference As a Means of Increasing Students’ Involvement in the Teaching/Learning Process.” In Promoting Reflections: Personal Theories in Teaching/Learning English as a Foreign Language, Conference Proceedings. 80-85. Pardubice: University of Pardubice, 2001. ISBN 80-7194-37-7.

ZDERADIČKOVÁ O., BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Teaching Cultural Studies.” In Conference Proceedings - ELT Horizons – 3rd International and 7th National Conference of the AUAČR/ATECR, (Liberec 2002). 154-160. Praha, 2003. ISBN 80-239-1621-1.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š., ZDERADIČKOVÁ, O. “Teaching Culture Through Literature.” In Learning Together, Proceedings of 4th International and 8th National Conference of the Association of Teachers of English of the Czech Republic. 179-184. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2004. ISBN 80-7194-724-5.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š., ZDERADIČKOVÁ, O. “Incorporating Cultural Studies into Language Acquisition.” In ELT Signposts 2005. 7th National and International MSATE Conference. Ed. by Hanušová S. et al. 23-28. Brno: Masaryk University, 2005. ISBN: 80-210-3760-1.

Ediční a redakční činnost / editor and co-editor:

Cultural Perspectives: Journal for Literary and British Cultural Studies in Romania – editorial board member

SKASE Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies – journal of Slovak Association for the Study of English – editorial board member

American and British Studies Annual  – founding editor and Editor in Chief.

Ostrava Journal of English Philology  – editorial board member

Prague Journal of English Studies – editorial board member

Hradec Králové Journal of Anglophone Studies – editorial board member

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š., ROEBUCK O. (eds.). Peaceful Multiculturalism or Culture Wars? Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7395-017-0.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š., ROEBUCK O. (eds.) Continuity and Change in Culture and Literature. Pardubice, 2006. ISBN 80-7194-908-6.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š., ZDERADIČKOVÁ, O., KAYLOR, M. M. (eds.) Cultural Studies at the Turn of the Millenium. Pardubice, 2005. ISBN 80-7194-816-0.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š., ZDERADIČKOVÁ, O., KAYLOR, M. M. (eds.) New Interpretations of Cultural Phenomena. Univerzita Pardubice, 2004. ISBN 80-7194-710-5.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š., ZDERADIČKOVÁ, O., KAYLOR, M. M. (eds). Problematika identity. Identita a globalizace. Univerzita Pardubice, 2003. ISBN 80-7194-590-0.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š., KAYLOR, M. M. (eds.). Předzvěsti, předchůdci, precedenty: pokračující vliv 19. století na moderní texty a kontexty. Univerzita Pardubice, 2002. ISBN 80-7194-462-2.

Recenze/ book reviews:

BUBÍKOVÁ, Šárka. “Murders on the Campus [Review of The Contemporary Academic Mystery Novel: A Study in Genre by Elżbieta Perkowska-Gawlik (Peter Lang, 2021)].” American and British Studies Annual 15 (2022): 167-169.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Šárka. “Literary Engagement with the (Traumatic) Past.” Review of History, Memory, Trauma in Contemporary British and Irish Fiction by Beata Piątek. American and British Studies Annual vol. 8 (2015): 149-154. ISSN 1803-6058.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Šárka. “The Melting Pot, the Orchestra and American Diversity.” Review of Horace M. Kallen a vývoj americké kulturní identity, edited by Josef Jařab, translated by Michaela Weiß.  American and British Studies Annual vol. 7 (2014): 187-189. ISSN 1803-6058.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Faces of the American Gay Novel After 1945.” Review of Roman Trušník: Podoby amerického homosexuálního románu po roce 1945, Olomouc 2011) American and British Studies Annual, 2012, roč. 5, s. 151-153. ISSN 1803-6058.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. Reclaiming  an Undervalued Writer. Review of The Writings of Hesba Stretton: Reclaiming the Outcastby Elaine Lomax. American and British Studies Annual, vol. 2 (2009): 143-144. ISSN 1803-6058.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. The Literary Child and National Identity. (Review of Zofia Kolbuszewska: The Purloined Child: American Identity and Representations of Childhood in American Literature 1851 – 2000, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 2007.) American and British Studies Annual l.1 (2008): 176-177. ISSN 1803-6058.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. Jedno historické co by, kdyby. (recenze románu P. Roth: Spiknutí proti Americe) Tvar 21 (2006): 22. ISSN 0862-657-X.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. Láska a rukopis. (recenze románu N. Kraussová: Dějiny lásky), Tvar 8 (2006): 23. ISSN 0862-657-X.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. Lesk a bída rodea. (recenze románu Ken Kesey, Ken Babbs: Poslední kolo, opravdový western). Tvar 5 (2006): 20. ISSN 0862-657-X.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. Tragédie očisty nebo očistná tragédie? (recenze románu P. Roth: Lidská skvrna). Tvar 6 (2006): 2. ISSN 0862-657-X.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. Tři na lásku. (recenze románu M. Cunningham: Domov na konci světa, Odeon, 2005). Tvar 4 (2005): 21. ISSN 0862-657 X.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. Pestrobarevné maličkosti. (recenze románu A.S. Byattová: Mattisova poselství, BB Art 2005). Tvar 11 (2005): 22. ISSN 0862-657-X.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. O sedmi pokusech sdělit nesdělitelné. (recenze monografie Stanislav Kolář: Seven Responses to the Holocaust in American Fiction, Ostrava 2004). Tvar 4 (2005): 23. ISSN 0862-657 X.

Vybrané konferenční příspěvky / Selected conference papers:

ROEBUCK, O., BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. "Pastoral and Anti-Pastoral Islands of Crime Fiction." Perspectives on Ethnicity and the Environment in American Studies: 24th International Colloquium of American Studies & Biennial Conference of the Czech and Slovak Association for American Studies Ostrava, 5–6 Oct 2023.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. "The Paradoxical Hopefulness of Environmental Crime Fiction." April Conference 15: Humanity / Humanities. Krakov, 20–22 Apr 2023.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Changing Landscapes of Contemporary American Crime Fiction." Hradec Králové Anglophone Conference 2022, March 24th–25th, 2022; invited key note lecture.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “National Park as a Crime Scene.” Conference ‘In/Outside the Frame', Pardubice, UPCE, November 10th–11th, 2022.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Representations of Space in Contemporary American Crime Fiction.” Invited parallel lecture. 15th international European Society for the Study of English conference (ESSE), Lyon, France. 30.8.–3.9. 2021. online.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Amish Countryside in Linda Castillo’s Crime Fiction.” 15th International Cultural Studies Conference ‘In/Outside the Frame’. Pardubice, 5.–6. 11. 2020, online.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š.  "Community in Contemporary American Ethnic Crime Fiction." Hradec Králové Anglophone Conference 2019. Hradec Králové 28.-29. 3. 2019.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š.  "Secrets and Silences - the Amish in Contemporary Crime Fiction." 22nd International Colloquium of American Studies, Olomouc 12.-13.9. 2019.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š.  “Past, Present - But What about the Future? The Northern Ireland Conflict in a Novel for Young Adults.” New Perspectives in English and American Studies, April Conference Fourteen. Krakow, April 20-22, 2017.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Literary Fans and the Borders of a text”. Hradec Králové Anglophone Conference 2017.  Hradec Králové, March 28-29, 2017.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “We were but property – not a mother, and the children God had given her”: the figure of a child in abolitionist literature. 60th Anniversary Conference of the European Association for American Studies - America: Justice, Conflict, War. Haag, Nizozemsko, 3.-6.4. 2014.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Ethnicity in Tony Hillerman´s Crime Fiction.” 13th International Conference on English and American Studies: Beyond Words: Crossing Borders in English Studies. Krakow, Polsko, 24.-26.4. 2014.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “We don’t mix with boys like him”: Marginality in Michelle Magorian’s and Siobhan Dowd’s novels for young adults. Hradec Králové Anglophone Conference. Hradec Králové, 25.-26. březen 2014.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Re-Inventing Oneself: Immigration in Julia Alvarez’s How the García Girls Lost Their Accents and Gish Jen’s Typical American.” A View from Elsewhere: International Conference. Olomouc, 20.-22. červen 2014.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Slave Narratives on Slave Childhood.” Literatures, Languages and Cultures in Contact: English and American Studies in the Age of Globalization. Krakow, Polsko, 27.4.- 29.4. 2011.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Autobiography and the genre of Bildungsroman.” Living Between the Lines: Transgressive (Auto)Biography as Genre and Method. Brno, 28.-30.10. 2010.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “The Idea(l) of Multiculturalism and the Bildungsroman.” Plurality of Culture and Democracy, 17th International Symposium of American Studies, Olomouc, 4.-6.11. 2010.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Percival Everett’s Subversion of the Bildungsroman Genre.” Versions and Subversions of Tradition in Literature and Cultural Studies. 10th annual international conference. Pardubice, 24.-25.6. 2010.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Growing up Black in US.” Black Odyssey Continued: 16th Olomouc Colloquium of American Studies, Olomouc, 12.-14. 11.2009

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Childhood in Postmodern Times.” Childhood in Its Times: The Child in British Literature, International Conference, Canterbury, Great Britain, 28.-28.3. 2009

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Ethnicity, Dual Heritage and the American coming-of-age Narrative.” Hradec Králové Anglophone Conference 2009, Hradec Králové 2.-3.4. 2009.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Ambiguous Heritage and the Search for Identity.” 11th International Conference on English and American Studies, Krakow, Poland, 23.-25. 4. 2008.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “19th Century American Literary Childhoods.” 2nd Meeting of the European Study Group for the 19th century American Literature. Poznan, Poland, 13.-14. 10. 2007

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “The Myth of ´Eco-Paradise´ in picture story books.” 4th International Conference on Children’s Literature in English, Hradec Králové, 26.-27.1. 2006.

Granty a ocenění/ Grants and awards:

Lokalita a komunita v současné anglofonní detektivní próze/ Place and Community in Contemporary Anglophone Crime Fiction . GA ČR 19-02634S / Czech Science Foundation grant

2012 – named Honorary Ambassador of the Fulbright Commission

Ethnicity and the Quest for Identity in American Coming-of-Age Narratives. Fulbright-Masaryk research grant. 2009-2010

Dětství v americkém románu. Czech Science Foundation Grant/ GAČR GA405/07/0151, 2006-09 (řešitelka)

Participant in Confronting the Burden of History (2011) and Common Challenge: the Bologna Process in Anglophone Literature and Culture Departments of Visegrád Countries  (2009-10) - Visegrád fond grants

Number of University of Pardubice small research grants and IG grants (1999-2009).

Zvané přednášky/ invited lectures:

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Childhood in American Slavery.“  Invited lecture at Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Poland, 28th April, 2015.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Here Comes Sherlock Holmes of the Navajo Tribal Police!” Ethnic and Educational Aspects of Tony Hillerman’s Crime Novels. Invited keynote speech. From Theory to Practice Conference, Zlín, 4. – 5.9.201.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. “Growing up Postmodern: Literary Depiction of Coming-of-Age.” Lecture for members of the Five-college consortium – colloquium for the study of childhood. Smith College, Northampton, MA, USA. March 2010.

Studijní, badatelské a přednáškové pobyty/ Academic internships, awards and teaching mobility:

Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, staff mobility LLP Erasmus. March 6–10, 2017.

Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Poland,  March 11, 2017.

Mátej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, staff mobility , LLP Erasmus. April 28 – May 1, 2014.

Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, staff mobility, LLP Erasmus. December 7–10, 2010.

Fulbright Scholar, Amherst College, Amherst USA. December 2009 – April 2010.

Visiting Scholar, University of California in Santa Barbara, USA. April 2012 – September 2012.

Členství / Membership:

Since 1992 - Czech and Slovak Association for American Studies (CSAA), since 2013 Secretary of CSAA

since 2009 – CZASE - Czech Association for the Study of English

since 2009 – Scientific Board of the series Donne nel Novecento (Women in XXth century)

Přednášky pro veřejnost/ Public lectures:

Série přednášek pro Univerzitu volného času a Univerzitu třetího věku/ series of public lectures on British and American literature, childhood studies, American culture and arts.

Další / Other:

Bubíková, Šárka.  Zrnka soli (román/ novel). Pavel Mervart, 2018.

Bubíková, Šárka. Smaragdové město (román), Pavel Mervart 2007, 274 s. [The Emerald City, a novel]