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Vzdělání / Education:

2000 - 2007 - Ph.D. in English and American Literature, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

1999 – 2001 – M.Litt. in Cultural Studies, Strathclyde University in Glasgow, UK

1992 - 1997 - Master in English Philology, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic

Studijní a badatelské stáže / Academic internships and awards

AFS Exchange Programs one-year student Exchange in New York, U.S.A.

Odborné zaměření / Research interests:

Place and Community in Contemporary Crime Fiction, Identity in Scottish literature, British literature, cultural identities in contemporary British literature



ROEBUCK, O. and BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. The Place It Was Done. Location and Community in Contemporary American and British Crime Fiction. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2023.

ROEBUCK, O. and BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. eds. Places and Spaces of Crime in Popular Imagination. Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press, 2021. ISBN 978-83-233-4980-8.

Kapitoly v monografiích / Selected book chapters:

ROEBUCK, O. “London in the Cormoran Strike Series.” In Places and Spaces of Crime in Popular Imagination. Ed. by Bubíková, Šárka and Olga Roebuck, 13–26. Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press, 2021.

ROEBUCK, Olga. “Authenticating Women: Ali Smith and Denise Mina.” The literary art of Ali Smith : all we are is eyes. Berlin: Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2019. 121–129.

ROEBUCK, Olga. “Stealing the Baby from the Crib: The Burden of Scottish History and Cultural Misrepresentation.” Confronting the Burden of History, Literary Representations of the Past.Curyłło-Klag, Izabela; Kucała Bozena (eds.) Kraków: Universitas, 2012. 138-157.

Články v odborných časopisech / Articles in journals:

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. and ROEBUCK, O.  "Islands of Crime: The Island as a Setting in Crime Fiction." Clues: A Journal of Detection 42, no. 1 (2024): 88–97.

ROEBUCK, O. and BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. „Zločin v divočině: Environmentální rozměr současné americké detektivní prózy.“ Svět literatury 2 (4) (2022), 67–79.

ROEBUCK, O. and BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. „Female Investigators: Rewriting the Masculine Narrative of Crime Fiction.“ American and British Studies Annual (2022), 89–99.

ROEBUCK, Olga. “Authenticating a Community: Exploring Scottish Conflicts in Ian Rankin’s Mortal Causes.” Hradec Králové Journal of Anglophone Studies,6,1 (2019): 171–175.

ROEBUCK, Olga. "Rejecting Limits and Opening Possibilities in the Works of Iain Banks." American and British Studies Annual 9 (2016): 44-54.

ROEBUCK, Olga. “Scotland, Living Dualities – historical development of identity construction.” Theatrum Historiae 12 (2013): 189-207.

ROEBUCK, Olga. “The Scenology of Landscape in The Quickening Maze by Adam Foulds.“ American and British Studies Annual 4 (2011): 67-73.

ROEBUCK, Olga. “A Woman with A Voice in Janice Galloway´s Clara.” Plurality and Diversity in English Studies. Proceedings from the 3rd Prague’s Conference on Linguistic and Literary Studies. Grmelová, Dušková, Farrell, Pípalová (eds.) Praha: Univerzita Karlova, 2008. 160-167.

Ostatní články / Other articles and papers:

ROEBUCK, Olga. "Krajina jako scéna, žijící a žitá." Partonyma 6/21-22 (2017): 37-43.

ROEBUCK, Olga. “Inhabiting Different Worlds: Contemporary Scottish Short Story.” Peaceful Multiculturalism or Culture Wars? Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2007, 81-89.

ZDERADIČKOVÁ, Olga.  The World of the Reversed in the Works of Iain Banks.“ Cultural Studies at the Turn of the Millennium, Pardubice, 2005, 91-97.

ZDERADIČKOVÁ, Olga.  “Incorporating Cultural Studies into Language Acquisition: An Illustrative Workshop.”ELT Signposts 2005. Proceedings from the 7th National and International MSATE Conference, Brno. Hanušová, Najvar, Podroužková, Váňová, Vojtková (eds.) Brno: Masarykova Univerzita, 2005, 23-28.

ZDERADIČKOVÁ, Olga. “Minority Literatures: Looking for Escape Routes?”New Interpretations of Cultural Phenomena, Pardubice, 2004, 44-50.

ZDERADIČKOVÁ, Olga, BUBÍKOVÁ, Šárka. “Teaching Culture Through Literature“. Learning Together, Proceedings of 4th International and 8th National Conference of the Association of Teachers of English of the Czech Republic. Univerzita Pardubice, 2004, 179-184.

ZDERADIČKOVÁ, Olga.“Scottish National Identity in the Works of James Kelman.“ Theory and Practice in English Studies, Volume 2. Proceedings from the Seventh Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies. Masarykova Univerzita Brno, 2004, 195-200.

ZDERADIČKOVÁ, Olga. “James Kelman and Working-Class Urban Identity.“ Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Faculty of Humanities, Series C, 8, Pardubice, 2002, 99 – 109.

ZDERADIČKOVÁ, Olga.“Charles Rennie Mackintosh a srovnání některých rysů české a skotské secese.” Předzvěsti, předchůdci, precedenty: pokračující vliv 19. století na moderní texty a kontexty, Bubíková, Kaylor (eds.), Pardubice, 2002,

ZDERADIČKOVÁ Olga, BUBÍKOVÁ, Šárka. „Teaching Cultural Studies“. Conference Proceedings - ELT Horizons – 3rd International and 7th National Conference of the AUAČR/ATECR, (Liberec 2002). Praha, 2003, 154-160.

ZDERADIČKOVÁ, Olga, BUBÍKOVÁ, Šárka. “Student Conference As a Means of Increasing Students’ Involvement in the Teaching/Learning Process“, Promoting Reflections: Personal Theories in Teaching/Learning English as a Foreign Language, Conference Proceedings. Pardubice 2001, 80-85.

ZDERADIČKOVÁ, Olga. “Reflection of Rogerian Psychotherapy in Communicative Language Teaching.“ Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series C, 6, Pardubice, 2000, 55 – 89.

Mezinárodní vědecké konference / International Academic Conferences

ROEBUCK, Olga. "Construction of Wilderness in Contemporary British Nature Writing." April Conference 15: Humanity / Humanities. Krakov, 20–22 Apr 2023.

ROEBUCK, O., BUBÍKOVÁ, Š. "Pastoral and Anti-Pastoral Islands of Crime Fiction." Perspectives on Ethnicity and the Environment in American Studies: 24th International Colloquium of American Studies & Biennial Conference of the Czech and Slovak Association for American Studies Ostrava, 5–6 Oct 2023.

ROEBUCK, O. „Interfacial Landscapes in Contemporary British Crime Fiction.“ 16th International Cultural Studies Conference & 5th International Conference on Linguistics and Language Teaching and Learning ‘In/Outside the Frame’ 10.–11. 11. 2022

ROEBUCK, Olga. “City as a Modern Crime Setting.” 15th International Cultural Studies Conference & 4th International Conference on Linguistics and Language Teaching and Learning ‘In/Outside the Frame’, online. 5.–6. 11. 2020.

ROEBUCK, Olga. “Personal Versions of History in Crime Fiction.” Hradec Králové Anglophone Conference 2019, 28.–29. 3. 2019.

ROEBUCK, Olga. "A Dialogue of Time and Place: National Identity in Architecture – Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Dušan Jurkovič." 14th ESSE Conference, Brno 29. 8.- 2. 9. 2018.

ROEBUCK, Olga. "Conflict in Northern Ireland in Contemporary Crime Fiction. New Perspectives in English and American Studies" April Conference Fourteen, Krakow 20.4. – 22. 4. 2017.

Recenze / Book reviews:

ROEBUCK, Olga. “Úvod do studia dětství v americké literatuře (Šárka Bubíková).” Ostrava Journal of English Philology 3, 2. 2011, 174. ISSN 1803-8174.

ROEBUCK, Olga. “A Jew, An American, and A Writer. Review of Jewishness as Humanism in Bernard Malamud´s Fiction by Michaela Náhliková.” American and British Studies Annual 4 (2011), 205. ISSN 1803-6058.

ZDERADIČKOVÁ, Olga. „Skotská literatura proměn či proměny skotské literatury.“Tvar – literární obtýdeník. (09/2005) Klub přátel Tvaru s podporou Ministerstva kultury ČR a Nadace Českého literárního fondu Praha, str. 21. ISSN  0862-657X.

Přednášky pro veřejnost/ Public lectures:
ROEBUCK, Olga. "30. léta v Británii - nejen rekreace, revue a rádio." Přednáška pro UVČ, 24. 5. 2018,

ROEBUCK, Olga. "Dvojí tvář viktoriánské Anglie v díle Roberta L. Stevensona Podivný případ Dr. Jekylla a pana Hyda." November 26, 2015.

Lectures in British cultural studies for UVC (Free-time University)

Ediční a redakční činnost / Editor and co-editor:

American and British Studies Annual- Deputy Editor in Chief.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š., ROEBUCK O. (eds.). Peaceful Multiculturalism or Culture Wars? Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7395-017-0.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š., ROEBUCK O. (eds.) Continuity and Change in Culture and Literature, Pardubice, 2006. ISBN 80-7194-908-6.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š., ZDERADIČKOVÁ, O., KAYLOR, M. M. (eds.) Cultural Studies at the Turn of the Millenium. Pardubice, 2005, ISBN 80-7194-816-0.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š., ZDERADIČKOVÁ, O., KAYLOR, M. M. (eds.) New Interpretations of Cultural Phenomena. Univerzita Pardubice, 2004. ISBN 80-7194-710-5.

BUBÍKOVÁ, Š., ZDERADIČKOVÁ, O., KAYLOR, M. M. (eds): Problematika identity. Identita a globalizace. Univerzita Pardubice, 2003. ISBN 80-7194-590-0.

Granty a ocenění / Grants and awards:

Spoluřešitelka projektu GA ČR 19-02634S Lokalita a komunita v současné anglofonní detektivní próze, panelu P406.

Participant in Confronting the Burden of History (2011) and Common Challenge: the Bologna Process in Anglophone Literature and Culture Departments of Visegrád Countries  (2009-10) - Visegrád fond grants

Peaceful Multiculturalism or Culture Wars? FG 170006/2007

Kulturní studia na prahu tisíciletí. 2004/05

Nové interpretace kulturních fenoménů. 2003/04

Otázka identity v době globalizace, 2001/02 IG 120019/2010

Studentská konference jako prostředek motivace studentů, 2000/01

Členství / Membership:

Editorial Board of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, UPa

UCLES Examiner for Cambridge exams PET, KET, FCE and CAE

January 2003 – Co-ordinator of a student seminar A European Migration Policy for the 21st Century in Fulda, in co-operation with Universidad Europea de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, University of Pardubice, University of Portsmouth and Fulda University of Applied Sciences.

April 2001 – October 2002 – ECML project member (European Centre for Modern Languages) Incorporating intercultural communicative competence in pre- and  in-service teacher training

1999 – 2000 – British Council lecturer in British Cultural Studies Course (Cultural Studies for secondary school teachers)

Další / Other:

professional specialised and literary translation and interpreting in the English language

illustrating publications and teaching materials for English Only language school and publishing house.