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Vzdělání / Education

2008 - 2001: Ph.D., postgraduate doctoral study in English Linguistics, Department of English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University Prague.

1999 - 1994: Mgr., Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Institute of Languages and Humanities, University of Pardubice.

Přednášky a semináře / Lectures and seminars


Selected Chapters from Semantics and Pragmatics

Introduction to Language Studies


Selected Issues of English Linguistics

Odborné zaměření / Research interests

Modality in contemporary English; stylistic analysis; pragmatic aspects; hedging

Publikace / Publications

HUSCHOVÁ, P. (2022) “Directness Level of Request Strategies in Spoken Learner Discourse.” In P. Huschová, K. Keplová, and H. Zitková (eds.). Pushing the Boundaries: Enhancing Non-Native Learners’ Communicative Competence. Pardubice: University of Pardubice, 33-48. ISBN: 978-80-7560-425-5.

HUSCHOVÁ, P. (2021) “Modalized speech acts in a spoken learner corpus: The case of can and could.Topics in Linguistics 22 (1): 27-37. ISSN: 1337-7590. 

HUSCHOVÁ, P. (2020) “Mitigated Request Speech Acts in Learner Discourse.” In I. Headlandová Kalischová, and M. Němec (eds.) Functional Plurality of Language in Contextualised Discourse: Eighth Brno Conference on Linguistics Studies in English. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 51–62. ISBN: 978-80-210-9766-7.

HUSCHOVÁ, P. (2015) “Exploring Modal Verbs Conveying Possibility in Academic Discourse.” Discourse and Interaction 8 (2): 35-47. ISSN: 1802-9930.

HUSCHOVÁ, P., REIMANNOVÁ, I. (2015) “Academic Writing: Modal Verbs in the Role of Hedges.” In M. Černá, J. Ivanová, and Š. Ježková (Eds.). Learner Corpora and English Acquisition. Pardubice: University of Pardubice, 57–66. ISBN: 978-80-7395-946-3.

HUSCHOVÁ, P. (2015) “On Possibility Meanings of could in Written English.” In R. Trušník, G.J. Bell, and K. Nemčoková (Eds.). From Theory to Practice 2013 (Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Anglophone Studies). Zlín: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, 89–97. ISBN: 978-80-7454-450-7.

HUSCHOVÁ, P. (2014) “Possibility Readings of can and may and Their Potential Interchangeability.” Brno Studies in English 40 (1): 89–104. ISSN: 0524-6881.

HUSCHOVÁ, P. (2010) “Readings of may/might in Academic and Administrative Style.” In Ambiguity Conference Proceedings. Ružomberok: Verbum, 46–55. ISBN: 978-80-8084-620-6.

Příspěvky na konferencích / Conference papers

HUSCHOVÁ, P. “Expression of Epistemic Stance in Spoken Learner Discourse.” The Tenth Brno Conference on Linguistics Studies in English, Brno, 4–5 September, 2023.

ČERNÁ, M., HUSCHOVÁ, P. “EFL Learners’ Pragmalinguistic Competence in the Production of Requests: Factors of Variability and Correctness.” 16th International Cultural Studies Conference & 5th International Conference on Linguistics and Language Teaching and Learning ‘In/Outside the Frame’, Pardubice, 10–11 November, 2022.

HUSCHOVÁ, P. “Request Strategies in Spoken Learner Discourse.” The Ninth Brno Conference on Linguistics Studies in English, online, 16–17 September, 2021.

HUSCHOVÁ, P. “Internal request mitigation in Czech students’ spoken English.” Stance and Evaluation in Discourse Seminar, online, 5th May, 2021.

HUSCHOVÁ, P. “Mitigated Request Speech Acts in Learner Discourse.” Eighth Brno Conference on Linguistics Studies in English, Brno, 12–13 September, 2019.

HUSCHOVÁ, P., REIMANNOVÁ, I. “Pitfalls of Creating an Online Glossary of Linguistic Terms.” Hradec Králové Anglophone Conference, Hradec Králové, 28–29 March, 2019.

HUSCHOVÁ, P. “Interpretation of Modalized Utterances Containing can/could in a Spoken Learner Corpus.” 14th International Cultural Studies Conference & 3rd International Conference on Linguistics and Teaching/Learning English ‘In/Outside the Frame’, Pardubice, 8–9 November, 2018.

HUSCHOVÁ, P. “Epistemic Modality in Linguistics Theses Written by Czech Students of English.” The Seventh Brno Conference on Linguistics Studies in English 2016, Brno, 12–13 September, 2016.

HUSCHOVÁ, P., REIMANNOVÁ, I. “Academic Writing: Modal Verbs in the Role of Hedges.” English Acquisition and Corpora Building, Pardubice, 4th June, 2015.

HUSCHOVÁ, P. “Interpretations of the Past Tense Modals could and might in Formal Contexts.” Hradec Králové Anglophone Conference 2015, Hradec Králové, 24–25 March, 2015.

HUSCHOVÁ, P. “Shaping Text Meaning: Hedging in BA Papers.” Creating, Shaping, Signifying - 10th Brno International Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies, Brno, 5–7 February, 2015.

HUSCHOVÁ, P. “Non-native Writers’ Use of Hedging Devices.” In/Outside the Frame - 12th International Cultural Studies Conference & 1st International Conference on Linguistics and Teaching/Learning English, Pardubice, 20–21 October, 2014.

HUSCHOVÁ, P. “Exploring Modal Verbs Conveying Possibility in Academic Discourse.” Sixth Brno Conference in Linguistics Studies in English 2014, Brno, 11–12 September, 2014.

HUSCHOVÁ, P. “Hedging in Non-native Academic Writing.” From Theory to Practice 2014 Conference, Zlín, 4–5 September, 2014.

HUSCHOVÁ, P., REIMANNOVÁ,  I. „Analýza pragmatické kompetence: Hedging v bakalářských pracích studentů učitelství anglického jazyka (pilotní studie).“ 21. výroční konference České asociace pedagogického výzkumu: Efektivita vzdělávání v proměnách společnosti, Ústí nad Labem, 16–18.9., 2013.

HUSCHOVÁ, P. “On Possibility Meanings of could in Written English.” From Theory to Practice Conference, Zlín, 5–6 September, 2013.

Studijní a přednáškové pobyty / Study and lecture visits

2014 (31.3. – 4.4.): visiting teacher, LLP – Erasmus Programme, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary.

2005 (July): England, Brighton&Hove, the English Language Centre, course "Aspects of Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century”.

2003 (May 12 – 15): visiting teacher, Socrates–Erasmus Programme, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam,  Netherlands.

2003 (April): Austria, Graz, workshop “Collection of Case Description of Innovatory Approaches in the Organisation and Set-up in Language Education”.

Uspořádání konference / Conference organization

member of the organizing team:

16th International Cultural Studies Conference & 5th International Conference on Linguistics and Language Teaching and Learning ‘In/Outside the Frame’, Pardubice, 10-11 November, 2022.

15th International Cultural Studies Conference & 4th International Conference on Linguistics and Language Teaching and Learning ‘In/Outside the Frame’, Pardubice, 5.–6.11. 2020.

14th International Cultural Studies Conference & 3rd International Conference on Linguistics and Teaching/Learning English 'In/Outside the Frame', Pardubice, 8–9.11. 2018

13th International Cultural Studies Conference & 2nd International Conference on Linguistics and Teaching/Learning English 'In/Outside the Frame', Pardubice, 13.–14.10. 2016

In/Outside the Frame -12th International Cultural Studies Conference & 1st International Conference on Linguistics and Teaching/Learning English, Pardubice, 20.–21.10. 2014


2019: interní rozvojová soutěž, řešitel projektu IRS_2019_017 Integrování mikrovyučování a moderních výukových prvků do předmětu Pragmatika

2015: interní rozvojová soutěž, spoluřešitel projektu IRS_2015_058 Inovace předmětů lingvistického modulu