Vzdělání / Education
2013 - PhDr., Ph.D., Philology - English and American Literature, Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures, Faculty of Arts, Charles University Prague. Thesis: Topophilia and Escapism: W.H. Auden's Interwar Poetics of Place (1927-1938).
2002 - Mgr., English Philology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Silesian University in Opava.
2000 - Bc., English Philology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Silesian University in Opava.
9/1999–12/1999 - English, Sackville College, East Grinstead, Great Britain, Cambridge Proficiency Examination.
10/1995–12/1995 - English, Eastbourne College of Art and Technology, Eastbourne, Great Britain.
Přednášky a semináře / Lectures and seminars
Introduction to Literature
History of British Literature
Literary Theory
British Short Story
British Modernism
Poetics of Place
Odborné zaměření / Research interests
Place and space in literature; Literary Modernism; 18th century garden architecture; Interwar British literature and culture, Travel writing
Publikace / Publications
VÍT, Ladislav. The Landscapes of W. H. Auden's Interwar Poetry: Roots and Routes. New York & London: Routledge, 2021. ISBN: 978-0367742171. (link)
Kapitoly v monografiích / Selected book chapters
VÍT, Ladislav. “Poezie a místa v Audenových Dopisech z Islandu.” In Hlasy míst: Prostor, místo a geografie ve světové poezii. Ed. by Soukupová, Klára and Michal Špína. 39-53. Prague: Charles University, 2016. ISBN: 978-80-7308-677-0.
Články / Articles
VÍT, Ladislav. “The Ethics of Going North: Moral Geography in Louis MacNeice and Wystan Hugh Auden's Letters from Iceland.” Silesian Studies in English 2021, Opava: Silesian University, 2023, 223-241. ISBN 978-80-7510-556-1.
VÍT, Ladislav. “Between Blinding and Enlightening: On Auden, Myth and Knowledge.” Polish Journal of English Studies, vol. 8. no. 2 (2022): 19-33.
VÍT, Ladislav. “Landscape as a Benchmark: Poetics of Place as a Critical Tool in W.H. Auden’s Prose.” American and British Studies Annual, vol. 11 (2018): 87-99. ISSN: 1803-6058.
VÍT, Ladislav. "The Poet at the Teacher's Desk: W.H. Auden on Education, Democracy and Humanity." Prague Journal of English Studies, vol 6. no.1 (2017): 27-43. ISSN: 1804-8722.
VÍT, Ladislav. “Feet on the Ground: Landscape in Auden's Late Poetry.” American and British Studies Annual, vol. 7 (2014): 145-156. ISSN: 1803-6058.
VÍT, Ladislav. “Picturesque Teletheory: From Landscape To Mediascape.” Cerebrations, vol. 1 (2009), Drew University, New Jersey. Available at: <http://www.cerebration.org/ teletheory.html>.
VÍT, Ladislav. “W.H. Auden: The Poet and the Sea: The Sea and the Mirror.” American and British Studies Annual, vol. 1 (2008): 121-131. ISSN: 1803-6058.
VÍT, Ladislav. “Ken Kalfus’s Literary Revision of the September Events.” In Peaceful Multiculturalism or Culture Wars? Proceeding from 8th Annual International Cultural Studies Conference. Pardubice: University of Pardubice, 2007. 111-118. ISBN 978-80-7395-017-0.
VÍT, Ladislav, and MÁNEK, Bohuslav. “Verše, které přežily smrt svého tvůrce.” Literární Noviny, 19. 2. 2007, p.7, ISSN 1210-0021.
VÍT, Ladislav. “Henry Benjamin Latrobe’s Contribution to the English Greek Revival.” In Silesian Studies in English 2006 - International Conference of English and American Studies (Actas). Opava: Slezská Univerzita, 2006, pp. 268-277. ISBN 80-7248-400-1.
VÍT, Ladislav. “K šedesátinám docenta Bohuslava Mánka.” In Continuity and Change in Culture and Literature. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Cultural Studies Conference. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2006, s. VII-VIII, ISBN 80-7194-908-6.
VÍT, Ladislav. "Like a Diamond: On the Many Facets of ‘We’ in Poetry." Review of The Plural of Us: Poetry and Community in Auden and Others by Bonnie Costello. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2017. Svět literatury vol. 60 (2019) Univerzita Karlova: 222-224. ISSN 0862–8440.
VÍT, Ladislav. “And those left behind? Central European immigration to Canada.” Review of Migrating Memories: Central Europe in Canada, vol. 1 – Literary Anthology edited by Vesna Lopičić and Migrating Memories: Central Europe in Canada, vol. 2 – Oral Histories edited by Rodica Albu. American and British Studies Annual vol. 7 (2014): 190-191. ISSN 1803-6058.
VÍT, Ladislav. “Violence as a Trope in Modernist Fiction.” Review of Violence in Early Modernist Fiction: The Secret Agent, Tarr and Women in Love by Izabela Curyłło-Klag. American and British Studies Annual vol. 6 (2013): 213-215. ISSN 1803-6058.
VÍT, Ladislav. “The Rhyme and the Marble: Recent Multilingual and Multimedia Translations of Shakespeare's Sonnets.” Review of William Shakespeare's Sonnets for the first time Globally Reprinted by Manfred Pfister and Jurgen Gutsch, eds. American and British Studies Annual vol. 4 (2011): 199-201. ISSN 1803-6058.
VÍT, Ladislav. “What is the Citie, but the People? True, the People are the Citie.” Review of The Postmodern City of Dreadful Night: The image of the city in the works of Martin Amis and Ian McEwan by Peter Chalupský. American and British Studies Annual vol. 3 (2010): 219-221. ISSN 1803-6058.
Konference / Conferences
VÍT, Ladislav. "‘Going out, I found, was really going in’: In Search of Wildness in Robert Macfarlane’sThe Wild Places." Place and Space in Contemporary English-Written Literatures - 2024 INTERNATIONAL ANGLOPHONE CONFERENCE. Charles University, Prague, Czechia, 15-16 November 2024.
VÍT, Ladislav. "‘And Where is Your Landscape?’ - the Landguage of W.H. Auden’s Travel Writing." The European Society for the Study of English 2024 Conference. University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 26-30 August 2024.
VÍT, Ladislav. "The Weight of Responsibility in W. H. Auden's Ruminations on Nature and Escapism." April Conference Fifteen: Humanity/Humanities. Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 20-23 April, 2023.
VÍT, Ladislav. "The Moral Geography of Louis MacNeice's Letters from the 'Arctic Gate'." Silesian Studies in English - Silse 2021: 6th International Conference of English and American Studies. Slezská Univerzita, Opava, 9-10 September, 2021.
VÍT, Ladislav. "Travelogue as a Dialogue." 14th ESSE Conference in Brno. Masaryk University, Brno, 29 August - 2 September, 2018.
VÍT, Ladislav. "Landscape as a Benchmark." Place and Emplacement: 21st International Colloquium of American Studies. Palacký University, Olomouc, 22-24 June, 2017.
VÍT, Ladislav. "The North and South Generational Divide: On Political and Moral Aspects of the Interwar Travelling." Hradec Králové Anglophone Conference. University of Hradec Králové, 28-29 March, 2017.
VÍT, Ladislav. "A Quest for Form: Meta-poetic Aspects of Auden's Letters from Iceland." Poems and Places: An International Conference. Charles University, Prague, 27-29 January, 2016.
VÍT, Ladislav. "Tradition and the Individual Talent: W.H. Auden on the Creative Impulse and Discipline." Creating, Shaping, Signifying: The 10th Brno International Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies. Brno, 5-7 February, 2015.
VÍT, Ladislav. "A View from the Upper East Side: Britain and the USA in W.H. Auden's 'American' Prose and Poetry." A View from Elsewhere: International Conference. Olomouc, 20-22 June, 2014.
VÍT, Ladislav. "In the Way of Ramblers: W.H. Auden and the Interwar Romance of the Open Road." Hradec Králové Anglophone Conference. Hradec Králové, 25-26 March, 2014.
VÍT, Ladislav. "Dehumanzing the Human: W.H. Auden on Education, Humanity and Democracy." The 4th Triennial Conference in British and American Studies. Bratislava, 30-31 January 2014.
VÍT, Ladislav. “John Byng’s Rides round Britain: Landscape and Ideology in 18th Century Travel Journalism.” International Conference of English and American Studies. Opava, 7-8 September 2009.
VÍT, Ladislav. “To See the Sea Again.” 9th Annual International Cultural Studies Conference: Visions and Revisions in Literary and Cultural Studies. Pardubice, 15 October 2008.
VÍT, Ladislav. “Satire and the 9/11 novel.” 8th Annual International Cultural Studies Conference: Peaceful Multiculturalism or Culture Wars?. Pardubice, 24 October 2007.
VÍT, Ladislav. “Hammerwood Park as an example of the English Greek Revival.” Silesian Studies in English. International Conference of English and American Studies. Opava, 18-19 September 2006.
Veřejné přednášky / Public lectures
VÍT, Ladislav. "LIdé a město: Londýn a jeho proměna v proudu času." University of Pardubice, 20 February 2025.
VÍT, Ladislav. "Nepřirozená přirozenost: cesta k anglickému krajinnému parku." University of Pardubice, 22 February 2024.
VÍT, Ladislav. "Londýn v 16. století a každodennost alžbětinců." University of Pardubice, 21 September 2023.
VÍT, Ladislav. "Proměny krajinné a zahradní architektury ve Velké Británii." Slatiňany, 9 November 2019.
VÍT, Ladislav. "Cesta ke krajinářské zahradní architektuře v Británii." Chrudim Library, 9 February 2017.
VÍT, Ladislav. "Anglický venkov a jeho proměna během 19. století." University of Pardubice, 18 February 2016.
VÍT, Ladislav. "Podoba londýnských divadel v době vlády Alžbětty I." Chrudim Library, 11 February 2016.
VÍT, Ladislav. "Anglické divadlo od středověku k Shakespearovi." Chrudim Library, 4 February 2016.
VÍT, Ladislav. "Alžbětinské divadlo a společnost." University of Pardubice, 16 January 2014.
VÍT, Ladislav. “Viktoriánství, viktoriáni, Viktorie.” University of Pardubice, 1 October, 2009.
VÍT, Ladislav. “Proměna zahradní architektury v Británii během 18. století.” University of Pardubice, 2008.
VÍT, Ladislav. “Španělská občanská válka: válka básníku – mýtus nebo fakt?” University of Pardubice, 2008.
Ediční a redakční činnost / editor and co-editor
since 2018: Editorial Board member of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Pardubice.
since 2008: Co-founder and Executive editor of American and British Studies Annual (University of Pardubice).
since 2014: Editorial Board member of Hradec Králové Journal of Anglophone Studies.
2007-2010: Editorial Board member of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Pardubice.
Granty / Grants
2016-2018: Innovation of courses in the literature-cultural studies module of KAA.
Další aktivita / Other activities
2018: Main organizer of In/Outside the Frame, 14th International Cultural Studies Conference & 3rd International Conference on Linguistics and Teaching/Learning English. Pardubice, 8-9 November 2018.
2016: Co-organizer of In/Outside the Frame, 13th International Cultural Studies Conference & 2nd International Conference on Linguistics and Teaching/Learning English. Pardubice, 13-14 October 2016.
2014: Main organizer of In/Outside the Frame, 12th International Cultural Studies Conference & 1st International Conference on Linguistics and Teaching/Learning English. Pardubice, 20-21 October 2014.
2013-2016: Member of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Pardubice. Vice-chair.
2012: Main organizer of Location and Relocation in Literature and Cultural Studies, 11th International Cultural Studies Conference. Pardubice, 16-17 October 2012.
2010: Co-organizer of Versions and subversions of tradition in literature and cultural studies, 10th Annual International Cultural Studies Conference. Pardubice, 24 - 25 June 2010.
2007: Co-organizer of Peaceful Multiculturalism or Culture Wars?, 8th Annual International Cultural Studies Conference. Pardubice, 24 October 2007.
2006-2010: Member of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Pardubice.
2006: Coordinator of 13th Biennial International Symposium on Education for Peace, Justice And Human Rights, Opava.