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16th International Cultural Studies Conference
5th International Conference on Linguistics and Language Teaching and Learning

10th11th November 2022

University of Pardubice


We welcome proposals for papers in the following fields of English studies:  
•    literature  
•    cultural studies  
•    linguistics  
•    teaching and learning English

The registration is open to scholars as well as PhD candidates in the respective fields.

CFP Special Panel – New Concepts of Wilderness in Popular Imagination
The panel is open to contributions exploring new ways of defining and rendering the wilderness. These views incorporate the most up-to-date understanding of nature and wilderness departing from the traditional ethnocentric definitions. The contributions are reflecting these in the context of popular genres.

Proposals should be submitted online at the conference website by 11th September 2022.

  • REGISTRATION was closed.

Papers should be 20 minutes in length (20 min + 5 min discussion). The presentation rooms and halls are equipped with the technology including internet, video and sound through interactive whiteboards.

The conference fee is 1,500 CZK / 60 EUR (for participants from abroad). The reduced fee for students and PhD candidates is 900 CZK / 40 EUR. For payment details please follow the updates on the website.

Literary and Cultural studies conference papers may be extended into articles and submitted to the peer-reviewed American and British Studies Annual (ABSA). The Annual has been listed since 2010 in the Czech National Index of Peer-reviewed Academic Periodicals and since 2012 in SCOPUS, ERIH Plus as well as EBSCOHost. 

We look forward to your participation in our conference and hope to see you in November.

Organising Committee

  Petra Huschová

  Monika Černá

  Petra Kohlová

  Eva Nováková

  Any inquiries can be sent to petra.huschova@upce.cz