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Petr Chalupský: Atonement – Continuity and Change in Ian McEwan’s Work
Richard Stock: The Puzzle Novel: Pynchon, Joyce, Deleuze, Blanchot and Others
Roman Trušník: From Books to Blogs: Coming Out Narratives In the Age of the Internet
Lucie Podroužková: Tom Stoppard’s Czech Connection
Dana Sedlmajerová: Ways of Presenting Joy and Sorrow in Contemporary Native American Literature
Šárka Bubíková: Native American Continuity and Change in Louise Erdrich’s Work
Irena Přibylová: The Western Hero in Music and Popular Literature
Stanislav Kolář: Time Shifts in Alejandro Morales’ Rag Doll Plague
Hana Moraová: Continuity and Change in Victorian Society and their Impact on the Novel
Olga Roebuck: Female Voices in Contemporary Scottish Writing: Janice Galloway
Irena Fridrichová: The Birth of Canadian Drama
Natalia Orlova: EFL Journal Projects in Teacher-Training
Anna Kinovičová: Teaching for the Real World: Group Lead Facilitation in Teaching British Cultural Studies
Světlana Obenausová: Using the LMS for Teaching British History
Romana Dvořáková: A Victorian Cult of Childhood Innocence in Charles Dicken’s Oliver Twist
Claudia Saiz Varona: The Picture of Hispanics in the US Mainstream Media
Radka Mykisková: The Concept of Courtly Love in the Knight’s Tale