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10th international cultural studies conference
, June 24th - 25th  2010

Josef Jařab: From Phillis to Nikki: Poetry of African-American Women in the Course of Time and Events
Krystyna Stamirowska: On reading, readers and authors.
Karen Sanchéz-Eppler: Castaways: The 19th Century American Child Reader and Transatlantic Flotsam

Pavla Buchtová: Native American Version of the Pocahontas Myth
Marija Knezevic: Sherman Alexie’s Version and Subversion of Native American storytelling tradition
Karla Kovalová: Sewing Memories, Connecting Lives: The (Inter)Textual Quilt in Phyllis Alesia Perry’s novel Stigmata
Karolina Kolenda: Tradition, Modernism, New Realism: Henry Green and the reformulation of the forms of realist writing
Věra Eliášová: The Broken Sleep: Fighting Ourselves in Virginia Woolf’s “Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid”
Izabela Curyllo-Klag: Subverting the Subversives: Wyndham Lewis, High Modernism, Marshall McLuhan and Sex Pistols
Anna Světlíková: Type, Allegory, Symbol: Jonathan Edwards and Literary Traditions
Ewa Rychter: Like a grain of sand irritating an oyster.Howard Jacobson's The Very Model of a Man and the Bible
Michaela Náhliková: Will Eisner’s Contract with God.
Lukáš Krincvaj: Hunter S. Thompson's Gonzo: An Experiment in Critique
Tereza Stejskalová: Tracing “Bartleby the Scrivener” in Postmodern Culture
Marek Tomášik: Between rehash and reinvention: Paul Auster’s novels in the light of Paul Auster’s novels
Paul Titchmarsh: Altered histories: Philip Roth and The Plot Against America
Diana Adamová: Seamus Heaney – Rewriting Irish history
Jozef Pecina: Ante-bellum Sensational Novels and Subversion of Domesticity
Zdeněk Beran: The Vampire as a Version and Subversion of Victorian Identity
Lucia Rákayová: Steampunk – The Neo-Victorian Renaissance
Michaela Fojtíková: George MacDonald’s Fairy Tale Characters: Variations of the Fairy Tale Conventions
Miloš Blahút: The subversion of literary conventions in John Irving’s novels The World According to Garp and Last Night in Twister River
Katarína Školníková: When Dimension of Fiction In Novel Is Not Enough. Theory of Literature in Literary Texts.
Roman Trušník: Christopher Isherwood: A Model for American Gay Writers
Saša Simović: Versions of Tradition – Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Romances
Maria Kissova: Subversive and disturbing concepts in What Becomes by AL Kennedy
Olga Roebuck: Scenology of Landscape in The Quickening Maze by Adam Foulds
Petr Chalupský: Biting Divagations – Self-discoveries in Ian McEwan’s Black Dogs
Šárka Bubíková: Percival Everett’s Subversion of the Bildungsroman genre
Jan Suk: Kill Will 1 – Shakespearean Subversion in Postmodern Cinematic Liveness
Ivan Lacko: Challenging the Angel (How Unknown Things Can Become Knowable) – Tony Kushner’s dramatic defamiliarization in Angels in America
Hana Waisserova: Gendered Representations in Bollywood: Construct of the Indigenous Woman Gauri in Lagaan
Svetlana E. Motornaya: The Role of English and American Literature in the Formation of the University Graduate Person