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Přihlášení pro zaměstnance

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Pavel Brebera: Towards Key Competencies: Cultural Aspects of English Language Teaching in Main Curricular Documents
Šárka Bubíková: At the Cultural Crossroads: ‘Mixed-Bloods’ in Native American Fiction
Milada Franková: Ian McEwan’s Double Atonement
Michael M. Kaylor: ‘Lizzard, the Greeks Called It’: Guy Davenport and the Uranian Present
Světlana Obenausová: Teaching Cultural Studies with the Help of ICT
Natalia Orlova: Developing Intercultural Communicative Competence in Teacher Trainees
Lucie Podroužková: The Resurrection of the ‘Glory of the Banke’: Globalizing the Globe
Dana Sedlmajerová: The Immigration Experience in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Short Stories
Kamila Vránková: Other Worlds and the Experience of the Sublime in Fantastic Stories for Children
Olga Zderadičková: The World of the Reversed in the Works of Iain Banks
Zuzana Richtermocová: Mythological Sources for Tolkien’s Characters
Petra Smažilová: The Importance of Gender in Top Girls by Caryl Churchill