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Přihlášení pro studenty

Přihlášení pro zaměstnance

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The conference registration fee covering expenses related to administration, technical support and publication of selected contributions, as well as coffee breaks and the dinner reception, is 2,000 CZK / 80 EUR.

The fee is to be paid by September 30, 2024 to the university bank accounts

  • in CZK (payments from the Czech Republic): 37030561/0100
  • in EUR (payments from abroad): IBAN CZ1401000000192522710287, SWIFT KOMBCZPPXXX
  • variable symbol identifier / "variabilní symbol" (for both currencies): 1011122010

It is necessary to enter your name and surname as the payment identification ("zpráva pro příjemce"). Participants from the Czech Republic are kindly asked to make their payments in Czech crowns only.