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9th annual international cultural studies conference
Pardubice, 15th October 2008

Lucie Dlouhá: The Dreams of Pecola Breedlove and Richard Wright
Lukáš Krincvaj: Reflecting the Future: Star Trek’s Contribution to the Equal Rights Struggle in the 20th Century USA
Irena Přibylová: Shape notes, gospels and spirituals: rediscovering spirituality in songs and lyrics in the 21st century
Pavel Sedláček: Divergence of American and Canadian cities
Radka Sedláčková: American Indian and sustainability
Pavla Buchtová: Mourning Dove's Cogewea: Native American Revision of the Western Romance
Paul Titchmarsh: “Tell everything as it is – no better and no worse:” images of the West in Washington Irving and Mark Twain
Karla Kovalová: "We the human Family": Revisions of American History in Contemporary Slave Narratives
Miroslav Kotásek: Revision in the Ironic Mode: Alternative History, Historiographic Metafiction and All that Jazz
Milada Franková: Sarah Water’s Monument to Women of World War II
Bożena Kucała: In search of Ellis Bell: Emma Tennant’s Heathcliff’s Tale
Kamila Vránková: The Theme of Otherness and the Role of Dialogue in Brontë’s Jane Eyre and Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea
Petr Chalupský: LondonRe-experienced –Peter Ackroyd’s Historiographic Revisioning of the City.
Stanislav Kolář: Dara Horn – A New Voice in Contemporary Jewish American Fiction
Christopher Koy: Reformulation of Ethnological Sources and Orientalist Discourse in Bellow’s Henderson the Rain King
Natalia Orlova, Kate Nemtchinova: NES and NNES teachers: a cross-cultural comparison of teaching styles
Roman Trušník: Queer Elements in Michael Cunningham’s Flesh and Blood
Ivan Burda: Two Faces of Michael Cunningham
Ladislav Vít: W.H. Auden– To See the Sea Again
PetraSmažilováCommon Dynamics and Dramatic Search of British Feminism in Cloud Nine
Šárka Bubíková: Revisions of the Bildungsroman Genre