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LEARNING TOGETHER, The 4th International and 8th National ATECR Conference
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: konference, workshop, výstava
Název nakladatele: Univerzita Pardubice, FHS
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng LEARNING TOGETHER, The 4th International and 8th National ATECR Conference The 4th International and 8th National Conference "LEARNING TOGETHER" was held in Pardubice from 10th to 12th September 2004. It was hosted by the Department of English and American Studies of the Faculty of Humanities and offered a varied programme of talks, workshops, demonstrations, research-oriented presentations and poster sessions focused on teaching English as a foreign language. The Conference was opened on Friday with the plenary speech by Penny Ur, on Saturday and Sunday the participants had an opportunity to choose from two co-plenaries each day and 12 parallel sessions. More than 100 speakers presented their experience during talks, ran workshops and shared their expertise on language teaching, about 450 participants from 11 countries came to Pardubice for this traditional ELT community event. The Proceedings of the conference are published as ATECR Newsletter Supplement. English learning teaching;comunicative competence;English as a foreign language