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A two-year Masters programme for self-payers taught and studied in English 

English Philology programme is designed to deepen student’s knowledge of English linguistics in the areas of pragmatics, stylistics, the historical development of English, and sociolinguistics. It, therefore, studies the language from both synchronic and diachronic perspectives. The literature and culture component of the study provides deep insight into specific themes and trends in English and American literature and literary theory, as well as knowledge of the specifics of individual literary types/genres, both traditional (canonical) and popular. Students will enhance their literary and genre analysis skills, broaden their expertise in textual analysis, and develop their communicative competence. They will be given an excellent foundation for their further academic journey at PhD level. The graduates will be fluent in English at the C2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference and will have a perfect understanding of linguistics and British and American literature and culture. They could work in positions where communication in an English-speaking environment and an intercultural perspective are key, such as international companies, publishing houses, cultural and administration agencies with English as the main language. 

Applicants must have completed a Bachelors degree in English Philology (which included both the study of English language as well as the linguistics of the English language, and literature and culture of English-speaking countries). The application for admission includes a Diploma thesis project in English and a certificate of completion of the Bachelor’s degree courses.   

The entrance exam is a two-round process: in the first round, the Diploma thesis project is evaluated, and if receiving a minimum of 50 out of 100 points, the applicant is invited to the second round, which is an oral interview in English. In this interview, the examining committee checks your ability to present the proposed research topic, methodology, and structure by discussing the project and your language skills. A maximum of 50 points can be earned in the second round. After the second round, applicants’ points from both rounds are added up, and the first 20 applicants with the highest number of points are admitted to study. 

The expected entry level of English is C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference. 

The diploma thesis project is written in English and should have 1,000–1,500 words (excluding bibliography) on a topic from English philology, i.e., linguistics, Anglophone literature or Anglophone culture; please note that since English Philology is not designed as a program in ELT (Teaching English), Diploma thesis projects in ELT methodology or aspects of teaching/learning English cannot be accepted. The project must include the research topic, research objectives, possibly even specific research questions, prospective methodology and theoretical framework, and a brief overview of the bibliography or other sources. The project will be evaluated for appropriateness of the topic (whether it is within the scope of English Philology), originality of the topic, adequacy of the chosen methodology, relevance of theoretical and critical sources, and English academic writing skills. 

  • Necessary documents 

(1) Documents to be submitted with the application form.

The documents which are to be uploaded jointly as one pdf attachment together with the electronic application form include: 

- A copy of your Bachelor’s diploma and Diploma supplement. If you are to graduate after the deadline for submitting applications, these documents have to be delivered to the study office by August 31, 2024. 

- Diploma thesis project (see above) 

(2) Documents to be submitted after you pass the entrance exam.

- Visa. Please check first whether student visa or a long-term resident permit is required for your nationality (more details here). In order to apply for visa, you need the formal Admission Decision from University Pardubice which can only be issued after the study department receives all documents necessary for verification of your Diploma (see the next point). 

- If you are not a graduate from a Czech, Slovak, Polish, Hungarian or Slovenian university, Czech law requires nostrification (verification) of your previous education. To meet this requirement, you have to submit a certified copy of your Bachelor’s diploma and Diploma supplement. If the documents are not originally in Czech, Slovak or English, they must be translated into one of these languages and the translation must also be certified. If you don’t have the general nostrification, the procedure can be accomplished by the Faculty of Arts for a fee. Further details about nostrification are available here, or can be provided by the study department (Ms Michaela Fišerová). 

First round:

Deadline for application: April 28, 2024 
Entrance exam interviews: June 5–6, 2024  
Deadline for the delivery of Diploma related documents: June 21, 2024 

Second round: 

Deadline for applications: August 9, 2024
Entrance exam interviews: September 3, 2024
Deadline for the delivery of Diploma related documents: August 31, 2024 

Enrolment: September 16–17, 2024
Start of study: September 23, 2024 (please note that you might need to arrive earlier if you are accommodated in the University dormitories)

The study of the English Philology programme is charged for the entire period of study; the tution fee is CZK 45,000 (ca. EUR 1,800) per academic year. Applicants are obliged to pay the tuition fee for one academic year in full by bank transfer no later than on the day of enrolment. The paid tuition fee is refundable upon the applicant's request if they do not enrol for studies.

The fee for admission process is CZK 2,000 (ca. EUR 80) and is payable by card or bank transfer in the e-admission application.

Programme Guarantor: Doc. Mgr. Šárka Bubíková, Ph.D. (sarka.bubikova@upce.cz) 

Study Department (inquiries related to study, application forms, enrolment and necessary documents, diploma verification and nostrification, credits, etc.): Michaela Fišerová (michaela.fiserova@upce.cz)