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Multiple lens: one teaching performance, different perceptions?
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Multiple lens: one teaching performance, different perceptions? The aim of this paper is to describe how various actors, including experts, student teachers and their peers, perceive teaching performances of student teachers in the English language initial teacher education. The teaching performance, i.e. a micro-teaching lesson at a university seminar, was intended to enable student teachers to manifest their English language teaching philosophy after the first semester of the clinical component. The research sample included 1st year students of the master's degree in teaching English (n=12). All student teachers taught one lesson, then, they reflected on it in writing, and provided written feedback on their peers' teaching performances. Two experts observed the performances and evaluated them using the Competence Profile of an English Teacher (Spilková et al., 2018) and an observation sheet focusing on the areas of planning, communication, classroom management, and assessment. Based on the analysis of the outcomes of observations and of the student teachers' written (self) reflection, the presentation uncovers whether and how the perceptions of various actors differ and in what way. student teacher; English; teaching performance; observation; written reflection