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The evaluation of constructivist interventions in the initial teacher education curriculum and their impact on the formation of students' professional self-concept
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng The evaluation of constructivist interventions in the initial teacher education curriculum and their impact on the formation of students' professional self-concept The cognitive turn in educational psychology, specifically the conceptualization of student learning as learnercentred, along with challenges in implementing curricular reforms, has led to a recent shift in research focus. Over the past decades, there has been a growing emphasis on studying the inner world of teachers, including their professional identity, their self-concept in the role of teacher, values, attitudes, and beliefs to identify whether and how they can be developed and transformed. The period of initial teacher education is considered a pivotal stage in the formation of a professional self-concept. The aim of this paper is to present the results of research aimed at exploring the influence of selected constructivist interventions on the professional development of student English language teachers, particularly on the formation of their professional self-concept. Among the five research-verified interventions (reflective writing – essays, video recording of teaching and its analysis, self-assessment based on the Competence Profile of English, portfolio), this study explores the potential of the role of reflective writing and action research in supporting student English teachers' shaping of their professional self-concept and, in particular, their theoretically and empirically grounded conception of teaching. The results of qualitative research, based on inductive analysis of essays and deductive analysis of student action research reports, will be presented within the context of an innovative clinically and reflectively focused concept of initial teacher education at a Czech university. These findings will be discussed in comparison with relevant research in this area, focusing on the evaluation of interventions and their impact on students' professional self-concept. The discussion will also explore the implications for the preparation of future teachers. evaluation of constructivist interventions; initial teacher education; student English language teachers' professional; self-concept