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Mentors’ perceptions of supervising student English language teachers during one-year clinical practice
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Mentors’ perceptions of supervising student English language teachers during one-year clinical practice Mentoring in teacher education programmes is believed to play one of the primary roles in student teacher professional development, as it enhances professional learning of student teachers in the context of their classroom and school experience. To identify how mentors conceptualise their mentoring role, the purpose of the paper is to explore mentors’ perceptions of their readiness, needs, expectations and the relationship with student teachers during one-year clinical teaching practice. The paper defines and discusses mentoring in an initial teacher education programme at a Czech university and reports findings of a qualitative study, which was conducted in a group of mentors who provided mentoring to English language student teachers during their one-year clinical practice. The clinical teaching practice is conducted in the selected schools at primary and lower-secondary levels of education and mentors, student teachers, and university teacher educators communicate and cooperate closely. The study offers insights into the mentors' perceptions of various aspects of mentoring, including the relationship of the mentors and the student English language teachers in the specific clinical practice model. The practical implications of the study have the potential to enhance student teacher professional development in the context of initial teacher education and also might be recognized by the education community and policy makers. initial teacher education; clinical teaching practice; mentor; mentoring; student English language teacher