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Publikace detail

Matrix Converter in Hybrid Drives
Autoři: Lettl Jiří | Flígl Stanislav
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of 8th International Conference Problems of Present-day Electrotechnics
Název nakladatele: Ústav elektrodynamiky Národní akademie věd Ukrajiny
Místo vydání: KIEV
Strana od-do: 77-80
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Matrix converter, hybrid drive, electric power splitting
eng Matrix Converter in Hybrid Drives The matrix converters have attracted an amount of interest over the past 25 years already, but they find time after time once again new utilisation. The presented paper deals with the recent concept of hybrid and power splitting traction drive systems. Special attention is paid to electric power splitting. In the investigated systém a traction induction motor is employed. The matrix converter realised on the base of new progressive semiconductor elements is used to treat the electrically transmitted part of the whole drive energy. This solution is advantageous with regard to the reactive component reduction. Matrix converter, hybrid drive, electric power splitting