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?The Divine Friend, Unknown, Most Desired?: The Problematic Uranian Poets
Autoři: Kaylor Michael M.
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Theory and Practice in English Studies, Volume 2. Proceedings from the Seventh Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies
Název nakladatele: Masarykova univerzita
Místo vydání: Brno
Strana od-do: 71-76
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Frederick Rolfe, Baron Corvo, Gerard Manley Hopkins, homosexualita
eng ?The Divine Friend, Unknown, Most Desired?: The Problematic Uranian Poets This paper is an examination of the English Uranian Poets, concentrating on four unique aspects of their writings. Firstly, their voyeuristic posturing ? a proximity to the object of desire without that distance being defeated, at least artistically ? constitutes a distinct temperament unique in English letters, a temperament worthy of exploration on purely aesthetic and psychological grounds. Secondly, the arguable immorality and assured illegality of their desires resulted in a form of self-fashioning no less marked than that of their Elizabethan predecessors, though taking a different stance, a stance gilded by an astonishing degree of secrecy, a secrecy which makes the Uranians a scholarly challenge. Thirdly, the Uranian rejection of the system of controls over the body that Victorian culture attempted to instil (and ours still does) served to draw into question many of the established tenants of Victorian culture (and of our own). Hence, the Uranian affront served to front issues that would have normally been taken as intrinsically categorical and would have remained unnoticed. Fourthly, the frequent Uranian sublimation of sexuality into poetry and prose reveals a number of strategies for fulfilling what-cannot-be-fulfilled amid denials, scrupulosities, and beliefs; amid ethical, legal, and religious restrictions; amid the concern of Western culture (in general) and Victorian culture (in particular) to limit physical intimation and actualisation of homoerotic and pederastic desires. These aspects are considered via the works of Frederick Rolfe and Gerard Manley Hopkins. Frederick Rolfe, Baron Corvo, Gerard Manley Hopkins, pederasty, homosexuality, Uranian poets, Victorian literature