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Čas a společnost: K otázce temporalizované sociologie
Autoři: Šubrt Jiří
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: odborná kniha
Název nakladatele: ISV
Místo vydání: Praha
Strana od-do:
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Čas a společnost: K otázce temporalizované sociologie The problem of time is a transversal sociological problem that is present in every sociological theory and every piece of research, if often in the form of a tacit assumption. This is also a reason why currently sociological opinion increasingly takes the view that a better understanding of time could not only contribute to revealing certain gaps and shortcomings in the social sciences, but could assist in the overall developmnet of theory and research. In this sense, temporalised sociology appears not only promising for the developlment of the sociology of time, but also for the further development of general sociological theory. sociologie; sociologická teorie; čas; sociologie času; temporalizovaná sociologie; trvání; ireverzibilita; temporalita; společnost
eng Time and Society? On the Question of Temporalised Sociology The problem of time is a transversal sociological problem that is present in every sociological theory and every piece of research, if often in the form of a tacit assumption. This is also a reason why currently sociological opinion increasingly takes the view that a better understanding of time could not only contribute to revealing certain gaps and shortcomings in the social sciences, but could assist in the overall developmnet of theory and research. In this sense, temporalised sociology appears not only promising for the developlment of the sociology of time, but also for the further development of general sociological theory. sociology; sociological theory; time; sociology of time; temporalised sociology; duration; irreversibility