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Ignore neither errors nor strengths: developing students’ self-assessment using positive psychology principles
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Ignore neither errors nor strengths: developing students’ self-assessment using positive psychology principles Encouraging students to judge their own language performance is important as it supports the development of their self-awareness and autonomy. To do so, students need preparation, which should include teaching learners to work with clear criteria, experiencing reflection and peer-assessment, and working towards confident judgements of their language performance.​ The principles of positive psychology allow students to focus on their strengths while acknowledging their errors and identifying areas for improvement. Involving the principles of positive psychology in an ELT classroom is a rapidly developing area of research offering opportunities to support students on their way to acquiring new language(s). This presentation offers a glimpse of the most recent developments in the positive psychology in the language learning and teaching field, the link between positive psychology and self-assessment, and some practical suggestions for developing student self-assessment built on the positive psychology principles. self-assessment; positive psychology; tertiary education