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Professional Agency in Transforming Student English Language Teachers’ Conceptions of Teaching During the Clinical Practice
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Professional Agency in Transforming Student English Language Teachers’ Conceptions of Teaching During the Clinical Practice This study systematically reviews the determinants of agency and explores whether and in what aspects agency may actively contribute to the transformation of teaching practices of student English language teachers during clinical practice. Agency, defined as both the capacity for intentional decision-making and the active process of enacting those decisions in dynamic classroom environments, is central to student teachers' professional growth. Clinical practice serves as a foundational stage where theory meets practice, allowing student teachers to internalize and apply their knowledge in real classrooms. This systematic review explores what factors—such as mentorship, reflective practices, personal identity formation, feedback mechanisms, and the clinical practice environment—enable student teachers to take intentional action in shaping their professional development. By synthesizing existing research, this study uncovers how these determinants foster agency, transforming the conception of teaching from a theoretical framework into a lived, evolving practice. Additionally, this research examines how the exercise of agency contributes to forming professional identity, a key transformation as student teachers transition into autonomous educators. Understanding the role of agency in this critical phase not only empowers student teachers to navigate challenges but also equips them with the resilience and adaptability needed for long-term professional growth. While much research has focused on the agency of novice teachers, this study addresses the earlier stage of professional development by investigating whether and how agency is cultivated and enacted during clinical practice in English language teacher education. Furthermore, this systematic review will highlight gaps in the literature, identifying areas for further exploration into agency as a transformative force in teacher education. professional agency; student English language teacher; conception of teaching and learning; clinical practice