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How Students View themselves as Teachers on their Journey to the Teaching Profession
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng How Students View themselves as Teachers on their Journey to the Teaching Profession This research study focuses on the professional self-concept of students during their third year of bachelor studies in the study program English for Education. It aims to clarify how students perceive themselves in the role of a teacher and what specific notions they hold about their identity as a teacher. A qualitative research design, employing an inductive analysis of essays written by third-year undergraduate students on the topic of “I, the Future Teacher,” was used to address the research questions. The essays were coded using the open coding method. The codes, comprising a blend of in vivo and researcher-generated codes, were then organized into five main categories, along with corresponding subcategories. The analysis of the essays provided insights into the students’ inner world, shedding light on their perceptions of the teaching profession, the values they uphold, their opinions, attitudes, professional beliefs, as well as their personal motivations for pursuing teaching and the reasoning behind their career choices. Among the five categories, “Self and Conceptions of Teaching” and “Self and Attitudes Toward the Profession” were the most prominent. The majority of statements in the essays revolved around the students’ envisioned future selves and the type of teacher they aspire to be or wish to avoid becoming (the so-called Wanted and Unwanted Selves). These statements predominantly expressed variations of ideas associated with the wanted, desired self. The research data are discussed within the framework of a comparative analysis in the context of both national and international research. professional self-concept; student teachers; reflective writing; essay; qualitative research