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EFL Learners’ Pragmalinguistic Competence in the Production of Requests: Factors of Variability and Correctness
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng EFL Learners’ Pragmalinguistic Competence in the Production of Requests: Factors of Variability and Correctness The presentation aims to introduce the results of the study investigating EFL learners' pragmalinguistic competence in the production of requests. First, it provides the outcomes of the analysis of requests for information excerpted from the dialogues in the Corpus of Czech Students’ Spoken English. The findings of the corpus analysis indicate that the advanced learners possess a range of pragmalinguistic resources for performing requests for information and even though their acts of asking often lack accuracy, they employ them appropriately to convey their intentions and to co-construct a requesting speech event. Second, the presentation informs about the factors that shaped the pragmalinguistic competence of the students. Utilizing the data elicited by a questionnaire, the regression analysis method was used to investigate an array of variables that, it was hypothesized, impact on the development of interlanguage pragmatics. The multiple regression models explaining the variability and correctness of the learners’ request production reveal that the factors with a significant influence relate to different loci of learning. requests for information; pragmalinguistic competence; advanced learners; loci of learning