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Student teachers’ perceptions of online preparation for face-to-face teaching English
Autoři: Reimannová Irena | Keplová Kateřina
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Student teachers’ perceptions of online preparation for face-to-face teaching English The governmental decision to close all educational institutions in the Czech Republic due to the Covid-19 pandemic and to move the teaching and learning process into an online environment had an impact on learners and teachers of all the levels of education. The university preparation courses for future teachers of English had to be adjusted as they were now to prepare the student teachers in the online environment for their practice teaching experience with no certainty of whether this experience would take place online or in a face-to-face class. This study explores student teachers’ perceptions of whether and how their online microteaching sessions prepared them for their face-to-face placement practice teaching the following semester. The theoretical framework of this paper is based on the models of the teacher professionalism, the reflective practitioner, and the realistic approach. The objectives of this qualitative study are to investigate students’ perceptions of processes involved in their professional learning and of their remote teacher preparation. The results indicate that the students do not see the aims and content of the selected study programme as impacted by changes of external conditions, however, the processes of their professional learning are perceived as considerably affected. teacher professionalism; the reflective practitioner; the realistic approach; the competence model of teacher education; professional learning; qualitative analysis