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Fenomenološki dualizam: Pretpostavke i posledice razlike između ipse i idem identiteta
Autoři: Lukic Vladimir
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Phenomenological Dualism: Assumptions and Consequences from the Difference of Ipse and Idem Identity The aim of this presentation is to bring closer the relationship between the ipse and idem dimensions of identity. Namely, Paul Ricoeur introduces this dualism in his book Time and Narrative and takes it as a basis in the work The Self as Another. The reason for this division lies in his concern that personal identity theories cannot answer all the demands of Who am I? As a solution, Ricoeur introduces an ipse identity that answers the question "who am I?" and idem identity that answers the question "what am I?" If we look at the methodology of Ricoeur’s philosophy, we can recognize the tendency to reconcile opposites, that is, in this case, dualisms. Through the explanation of ipse and idem identity, we must turn to dualisms of the following kind - subjective and objective, philosophy and science, hermeneutics and phenomenology, and, finally, the questions "who am I" and "what am I?". Through a descriptive analysis of these dualisms, I strive to approximate the notions of ipse and idem identities based on Ricoeur’s constant dialectic, and emphasize their importance for the theory of self, that is, identity. Ipse; Idem; phenomenology; Ricoeur; Identity
hbs Fenomenološki dualizam: Pretpostavke i posledice razlike između ipse i idem identiteta Cilj ove prezentacije je prebližiti odnos između ipse i idem dimenzije identiteta. Naime, Pol Riker uvodi ovaj dualizam u njegovoj knjizi Vreme i priča, te je uzima kao osnov u delu Sopstvo kao drugi. Razlog za ovakvu podelu leži u njegovoj brizi da teorije ličnog identiteta ne mogu da odgovore na sve zahteve koje leže u pitanju Ko sam ja? Kao rešenje, Riker uvodi ipse identitet koji odgovara na pitanje “ko sam ja?” i idem identitet koji odgovara na pitanje “šta sam ja?”. Ukoliko sagledamo metodologiju Rikerove filozofije, možemo prepoznati težnju ka mirenju suprotnosti, odnosno, u ovom slučaju, dualizama. Kroz objašnjenje ipse i idem identiteta, moramo se okrenuti dualizmima sledeće vrste – subjektivnog i objektivnog, filozofije i nauke, hermeneutike i fenomenologije i, na kraju, pitanja “ko sam ja” i “šta sam ja?”. Kroz deskriptivističku analizu ovih dualizama, težim približiti pojmove ipse i idem identiteta koji se zasnivaju na Rikerovoj konstantnoj dijalektici, te istaći njihov značaj za teoriju sopstva, odnosno, identiteta. ipse; idem; fenomenologija; Riker; identitet