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Mgr. Vladimir Lukić

  • Publikace


LUKIC, V. Can Narratoscepticism Be a Valid Alternative? A Critique of Strawson’s Episodicity Argument Conatus - Journal of Philosophy, 2024, vol. 9, no. 1, s. 73-87. ISSN: 2653-9373.
LUKIC, V. Philosophy of Video Games: Is Playing Video Games a Practice?. Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG, 2024. 85 s. ISBN: 978-620-7-47301-4.
LUKIC, V. Conflicts with Novelty: Intelligibility Crisis and the Case of the Yugoslav Narrative Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Philosophia, 2023, vol. 68, no. SI, s. 47-60. ISSN: 1221-8138.
LUKIC, V. Assessing the Narrative from the Social and Literary Perspective: The Case of MacIntyre and Murdoch Philologia mediana, 2022, vol. 14, no. 14, s. 207-214. ISSN: 1821-3332.
LUKIC, V. Phenomenology and Video Games: Embodied Experience Scopus : časopis za filozofiju studenata Hrvatskih studija, 2022, vol. 14, no. 27, s. 9-20. ISSN: 1330-9986.
LUKIC, V. The Problem of the Past: Bernard Williams on Ethical Nostalgia Revista de filosofie aplicată, 2022, vol. 5, no. 7-9, s. 77-89. ISSN: 2668-0009.
LUKIC, V. Constructivism in Video Games. In Studije video-igara 2021 : knjiga apstrakata. Novi Sad: Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, 2022. s. 55-68 s. ISBN 978-86-81666-22-7.
LUKIC, V. NACIONALIZAM KAO PROBLEM IDENTITETA – RIKER I DOMINACIJA IDEM IDENTITETA. In 14. Naučno-stručni skupStudenti u susret nauci – StES 2021 : zbornik radova = 14th scientific conferenceStudents encountering science – StES 2021 : proceedings. Banja Luka: Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, 2021. s. 63-70 s. ISBN 978-99976-49-19-5.
LUKIC, V. Narrative Procedure of Political Deliberation. In 13. Naučno-stručni skupStudenti u susret nauci – StES 2020 : zbornik radova = 13th scientific conferenceStudents encountering science – StES 2020 : proceedings. Banja Luka: Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, 2020. s. 321-331 s. ISBN 978-99976-49-11-9.
LUKIC, V. Bezbednost solidarnih: Gušenje pozitivne inicijative građana. In 20. Jubilarna Međunarodna filozofska škola “Felix Romuliana” : sbornik izlagači. Zaječar: Narodno pozorište Timočke krajine - centar za kulturu "Zoran Radmilovič", 2020. s. 89-98 s.