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Virtues of Human Enhancement: MacIntyre’s Objections and a Different Perspective
Autoři: Lukic Vladimir
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Virtues of Human Enhancement: MacIntyre’s Objections and a Different Perspective Philosophical considerations seem to shift based on the context of the world in which they are given. During the end of the 1970s, MacIntyre writes a paper under the name of Seven Traits for the Future in which he gives rise to the arguments against the practice of human enhancement. In order to do so, MacIntyre provides a methodology which incorporates his conception of virtues and uses it to provide the traits which he deems are preferable or desirable for future generations to have. As one who is familiar with MacIntyre’s later work might expect, he is strictly against any form of human enhancement and, therefore, offers a restrictive account on the virtues he prescribes. In this paper, I would like to challenge this view. Namely, the goal of this paper is seen within its method. Firstly, it gives insight on the seven virtues that MacIntyre sees as central to his argument, after which it provides a critique of them. Secondly, the paper holds one important point which would be central to the whole thesis and which originates from MacIntyre’s later work (Who’s Justice? Which Rationality?). The tradition has shifted, the conception of the self is not the same as it was during the time that MacIntyre is writing this paper. Transhumanist paradigm has become an implicit norm from which many considerations are taken within the fields of philosophy and sciences which take it as a basis. Liberalism, as the current tradition based on MacIntyre’s outlook, can be seen as the perfect grounds upon which transhumanism can rise. Having said that, the point of this paper would be the following - the virtues prescribed by MacIntyre hold their grounds within the different narrative which is not a part of the current tradition. To show this, I am using MacIntyre’s own method against his claim after which I am showing a different conclusion - the virtues of the narrative of which we are a part of does indeed propose human enhancement based on the technological and biological basis. Virtue ethics; Liberalism; Human Enhancement; Transhumanism; Tradition