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Learners’ proficiency in navigating a dialogue in English
Rok: 2019
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Learners’ proficiency in navigating a dialogue in English The paper presents the analysis of the use of particular devices by the Czech speakers learning English. It uses the Corpus of Czech Students’ Spoken English (Ježková, 2015) – (CCSSE) with the aim to demonstrate their strategies to build the relations between the participants. The analysis brings data concerning the use of particular expressions (based on the survey on the native speakers’ language usage) and tries to assess them from the point of view of their communicative function, specifically in the process of forming a dialogue. The attention is paid primarily to the use of various types of comments made by speakers, where the analysis first categorizes them according to the criterion: “I” – “you” orientation. As both the speaker and the listener are senders and recipients at the same time, they co-construct an interactive talk. Thus all the constructions including such expressions were included in the language material for the analysis. They are evaluated according to their pragmatic functions and other potential interpretations. Although the limited sample size of the present study limits the findings, this paper serves to guide further research to investigate the relationship between the mother tongue (and its common communicative patterns) and the second language acquisition processes. Learners’ English; dialogue; Corpus of Czech Students’ Spoken English; turn taking strategies