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Teacher´s Resource Book. Methodology for Very Early Language Learning. Czech Version of Part I.
Autoři: Černá Monika
Rok: 2009
Druh publikace: kapitola v odborné knize
Název zdroje: Teacher´s Resource Book - Methodology for Very Early Language Learning
Název nakladatele: Art D - Grafický ateliér Černý s. r. o.
Místo vydání: Praha
Strana od-do: 18-38
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Teacher´s Resource Book. Methodology for Very Early Language Learning. Czech Version of Part I. Part I of the book, the theoretical part, provides an introduction into very early language learning, which refers to the situation when children aged two start to learn a foreign language in other than family settings. Part I aims to shed light on the nature of very early language learning by dispelling myths and by considering advantages of the very early start. Moreover, it defines conditions under which the process of learning is likely to be effective and didactic principles to guide teachers´ everyday practice. Lastly, it summarizes the principles of syllabus design and relates the theoretical background of very early language learning to the yearly curriculum presented in Part II (a collection of worksheets). raná výuka cizích jazyků;teoretická východiska;principy;sylabus
eng Teacher´s Resource Book. Methodology for Very Early Language Learning. Czech Version of Part I. Part I of the book, the theoretical part, provides an introduction into very early language learning, which refers to the situation when children aged two start to learn a foreign language in other than family settings. Part I aims to shed light on the nature of very early language learning by dispelling myths and by considering advantages of the very early start. Moreover, it defines conditions under which the process of learning is likely to be effective and didactic principles to guide teachers´ everyday practice. Lastly, it summarizes the principles of syllabus design and relates the theoretical background of very early language learning to the yearly curriculum presented in Part II (a collection of worksheets). very early language learning;theoretical background;principles;syllabus