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Publikace detail

Zulu Nation: Ethnicity and Politics
Autoři: Horáková Hana
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Viva Africa 2007
Název nakladatele: Dryada
Místo vydání: Ústí nad Labem
Strana od-do: 113-125
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Zuluský národ. Etnicita a politikä Text se zabývá analýzou zuluské etnicity a nacionalismu politizace etnicity, nacionalismus, Jižní Afrika
eng Zulu Nation: Ethnicity and Politics Ethnicity and ?ethnic conflict? have become part of our day-to-day language and thought: however, this ?received wisdom? often tends to obscur reality. The ethnic phenomenon in Africa is highly complex and eludes easy capture through a shared definition. In the case of South Africa, the paper will attempt to show that though Zulu ethnicity was not simply the result of apartheid, the then regime was responsible for the way in which this ethnicity was used for social manipulation. The paper will outline the mobilisation of Zulu ethnic sentiments and ethnic group formation. Moreover, it will pursue the mobilisation and manipulation of a Zulu ethnic identity into a political form. In conclusion, the implications of such mobilisation for the political change in post-apartheid South Africa will be examined. politicization of ethnicity, nationalism, South Africa