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Publikace detail

Europe and Culture: Anthropological Perspectives of the Process of European Integration
Autoři: Horáková Hana
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: SIEF. Book of Abstracts.
Název nakladatele: University of Ulster. Academy for Irish Cultural Heritages
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Evropa a kultura. Antropologické perspektivy procesu evropské integrace Referát se zaměřuje na analýzu kulturní integrace v Evropě a EU. antropologie Evropy, kulturní integrace, identita
eng Europe and Culture: Anthropological Perspectives of the Process of European Integration In my article I will firstly attempt to analyze key terms ? Europe and culture -, and their interface with regard to an anthropology of/in Europe. Then I will outline key theses concerning the newly emerging cultural politics/policies within the EU and their application on national agendas on European cultural integration in Central and Eastern Europe. Next, the paper will be devoted to the analysis of selected studies on European cultural integration by Czech journalists and social scientists, how a Czech local community identifies with Europe/the EU. In conclusion, I will attempt to synthesise the arguments for better understanding of Europe both as a sui generis entity and as a counterpoint to ?the other? anthropology of Europe, cultural integration, identity