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Bernard Bolzano (1781-1848) jako teolog i filozof religii
Autoři: Bubík Tomáš
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Nomos: kwartalnik religioznawczy
Název nakladatele: Zaklad Wydawniczy Nomos
Místo vydání: Krakow
Strana od-do: 99-110
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Bernard Bolzano (1781-1848) jako teolog a filozof náboženství Text se zabývá teologickým a filozofickým myšlením jedné z předních osobností české filozofie 19. století. Analyzuje jeho pojetí křesťanství, které bylo dosti výrazně ovlivněno osvícenstvím, racionálním subjektivizmem. Jeho celoživitní úsilí směřuje k nalezení shody rozumu a víry, tradice církevní a filozofické, duchovního i praktického života.
eng BERNARD BOLZANO: PREDECESSOR OF SCIENCE OF RELIGION, PHILOSOPHER OF RELIGION, OR AN UNTRADITIONAL THEOLOGIAN? Every beginning of a new science is both a result of various earlier studies and of the broader milieu. In case of the science of religion, its beginnings are connected with the gradual secularization of Europe, particularly of European schools and science, the decreasing of the influence of the Church in society as well as in everyday life. From the point of view of the science of reliogion, it is worth inquiring to what extend the ideas of particular thinkers, such as Bernard Bolzano, could have influenced the attitudes of the science of religion and whether they could have had an impact on its development. Concerning the theological and philosophical ideas of Bernard Bolzano, we could say that his particular aim was to reconcile modernistic rationalist subjectivism with the ?objecitivism? of God´s revelation. Suprisingly enough, Bolzano does not limit revelation only to Christianity, but inludes even other religions and talks about various degrees and kinds of revelation. For Bolzano, the objectivity of the revelation is closely connected with human nature, especially with human reason, because, in fact, both the human and the Divine come together to form religion. He attempts to prove that faith is not irrational in order to save Christianity but maintains that the major authority, when it comes to religion, is human reason. Occassionaly, he is not far from relativization of both revelation and reason. After all the ambiguity of Bolzano´s theory was unacceptable for the Catholic Church as well as for the Christian philosophy. However, Bolzano was, more that anything else, an original Christian philosopher, the inheritor of the Enlightment, for whom the Catholic faith had the ultimate meaning. x