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Rudolf Josef Colloredo z Wallsee a jeho studium v Salcburku v letech 1723-1725.
Autoři: Kubeš Jiří
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Šlechtic na cestách v 16.-18. století. Sborník příspěvků ze 3. adventního kulatého stolu na téma Prameny k dějinám šlechtického cestování 1550-1800
Název nakladatele: Univerzita Pardubice
Místo vydání: Pardubice
Strana od-do: 163-192
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Rudolf Josef Colloredo z Wallsee a jeho studium v Salcburku v letech 1723-1725. Článek se zabývá výchovou, vzděláním a socializací Rudolfa Josefa Colloreda. Jeho otec pro něj vymyslel náročný výchovný a vzdělávací program, protože si přál, aby povznesl slávu rodu. Domníval se, že právě důkladné studium a kavalírská cesta umožní jeho synovi lepší uplatnění v habsburské monarchii. Rudolf Josef tedy absolvoval zejména náročný pobyt na benediktýnské univerzitě v Salcburku (1723-1725). Ačkoliv se občas pokoušel vzdorovat tvrdému studijnímu plánu, v Salcburku úspěšně dostudoval. Kavalírskou cestu sice nedokončil, protože jeho otec předčasně zemřel, ale rodu ostudu neudělal. Byl totiž nakonec povýšen v roce 1763 do knížecího stavu a tímto způsobem završil integraci rodu Colloredů do dvorské společnosti habsburské monarchie. x
eng Rudolph Joseph Count Colloredo of Wallsee and His Study in Salzburg between 1723 and 1725 This article deals with the upbringing, education and other strategies of socialization of Rudolph Joseph Count Colloredo (1706-1788). His noble, wealthy and mighty father Hieronymo (the governor in Habsburg Milano 1719-1726) hoped that his eldest son would follow his example and maybe he would also more advance the glory of the Colloredo family. That was why he tried to provide him with excellent upbringing and education. He believed that his son could succeed in fight for the highest court functions mainly due to the time-consuming and thorough law education (jus publico) in Salzburg and Leiden and the long-time created net of family relationships. The Hieronymo´s conception of his son´s education is mirrored mainly in three instructions that he gave to his son or his Hofmeister before their journey. However, the real course of the journey to Salzburg is reflected in private correspondence among the Hofmeister, Hieronymo and his son. It is the unique resource to realize that the father´s plan was sometimes hard to fullfill. The correspondence tells us that Rudolph Joseph studied very hard at the Benedictine university in Salzburg between 1723 and 1725 and then he travelled to Leiden in the United Provinces. However, the intensive course of jus publico was not finished because Hieronymo died at the beginning of February 1726 in Vienna and his eldest son had to return to the Habsburg monarchy. The ambitious educational project was not completed in the end but Rudolph Joseph did not discredit his family. He became the Reichvizekanzler (1746) and he was finally promoted to the rank of prince (1763). The integration of the Colloredo family to the society of the Habsburg court was after more than 100 years successfully finished. 18th century;nobility;Salzburg;Colloredo;grand tour