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Jan Nepomucký as a pilgrim to the Old Boleslav Palladium in the Baroque sculpture of East Bohemia and the County of Kladsko.
Autoři: Panoch Pavel
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Jan Nepomucký as a pilgrim to the Old Boleslav Palladium in the Baroque sculpture of East Bohemia and the County of Kladsko. The cult of St John was one of the distinctive phenomena of early modern Central European piety and intensely influenced the artistic culture of the Baroque period. The tradition of depicting the Bohemian first-priest of the confessional mystery of St. John of Nepomuk (before 1350-1393) was not more firmly codified until the graphic cycles by the engraver Andreas Pfeffel, which accompanied the Augsburg book editions of the elaboration of the Nepomuk legend by the patriotically oriented Jesuit historian Bohuslav Balbín in 1725 and 1730. The scene of John's pre-death pilgrimage to the venerated image of the Old Boleslav Palladium was indeed anchored among the representative depictions of the saint, but in the artistic presentation of the St John's theme it played a rather secondary episodic role (in the sculptural production it was mostly an accompanying cartouche scene on the base of the saint's own statue). The subject, despite its alluring epic potential, has rarely been used as an independent theme. This study concentrates on mapping the treatment of this legendary episode in the Baroque carving and sculpture of eastern Bohemia (and the adjacent Kladsko County). sv. Jan Nepomucký; barokní zbožnost; české země 17. a 18. století; staroboleslavské Paladium; náboženské poutě; sochařství; východní Čechy a Kladsko;