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The Final Emigration of the last Bourbon
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng The Final Emigration of the last Bourbon "If historians have hitherto examined the problem of emigration as a political, social, or economic problem, the focus of their attention has been on the broad sections of the population who left their homeland for these reasons. But heads of state also emigrated for political reasons - think of Napoleon I or his nephew, Napoleon III. The greatest part of his life was spent in exile by the French King Charles X, who was driven out by the July Revolution in 1830. His last asylum was Prague Castle, where he spent the period from October 1832 to May 1836. How does a king in exile behave who knows he will not return to his country? How does he behave in a country of which he had only a vague knowledge before his arrival? Can the king and his court face the problems of exile with the same strategies as the millions of exiles whose blood was not blue?" XIX Century; Charles X Bourbon; emigration; Prague