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Anti-Jewish Violence in Galicia in Comparative Perspectives, 1918-1920
Autoři: Kutílek Jan
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Anti-Jewish Violence in Galicia in Comparative Perspectives, 1918-1920 In the turbulent final year of World War I, Galicia faced severe economic deprivation. Jews were often seen as outsiders, associated with the despised central authorities, making them frequent targets of angry mobs. The collapse of the empire and the Polish-Ukrainian conflict led to horrific acts against the Jewish community. The power vacuum created a climate where violence was rampant. The thesis aims to explore a crucial aspect of the dynamics driving the pogroms, with a special focus on the substantial impact of rumours in fuelling violence. The thesis seeks to illustrate how rumours work and shed light on their role in these events. It also focuses on gender-based violence, which became widespread and was used as a deliberate means of asserting dominance over Jews. It also delves into religious forms of anti-Jewish violence. The research takes into account the effects of the arrival of Haller's army from France, as well as the accusations of Judeo-Bolshevism. However, the research also considers the persistent socio-economic environment inherited from Austria-Hungary. The primary objective of the thesis is to offer comparative insights by examining anti-Jewish protests, demonstrations, and, most significantly, violence in the former Habsburg Galicia. The comparison is conducted through insights into other parts of Poland, and Czechoslovakia. The dissertation employs the use of primary and secondary sources to arrive at a conclusion. Poland; Czechoslovakia; Violence; Comparison