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"We must impel Czech patients to seek out Czech doctors": Language, Ethnicity and Professional Competition in the Czech Lands before World War I
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng "We must impel Czech patients to seek out Czech doctors": Language, Ethnicity and Professional Competition in the Czech Lands before World War I Medical community in the Czech Lands experienced growing divisions along the ethno-linguistic lines during the nineteenth century, which remained commonplace until the disintegration of Austria-Hungary after the Great War. In the context of rising nationalisms in the Empire and in Central Europe as a whole, the language used in professional practice and communication acquired political significance and the physicians practicing in the Czech lands became increasingly split into Czech-speaking and German-speaking professional communities. My paper analyses the effort of Czech-speaking nationalist physicians to institutionalize medical education in the Czech language and to strengthen their position at clinics and in the imperial medical establishment, particularly in the Czech lands. I focus on their strategies and argumentation and on their efforts to marginalise German-speaking physicians and the physicians whom they perceived as lacking commitment to the Czech national cause. Besides analysing the discourse in medical press and memoirs, I focus on specific conflicts over the representation of the different ethnic communities at the posts of leadership in Czech medical institutions. medical community; nationalism; czech nationalism; czech physicinas; social history of medicine; history of medical profesion