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Beyond Extractivism and Romanticism: What Attitudes Toward Nature Can Help Us Address the Climate Crisis?
Autoři: Rozen David
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Beyond Extractivism and Romanticism: What Attitudes Toward Nature Can Help Us Address the Climate Crisis? Attitudes toward nature significantly shape human environmental behavior, the primary driver of the ongoing climate crisis. Within Western civilization—historically the largest contributor to this crisis—two dominant attitudes toward nature can be identified: the extractivistic attitude, often regarded as the root cause of the problem, and its negation, the romantic attitude. This presentation will critically examine the romantic attitude toward nature, arguing that it should not be seen as part of the solution but rather as a contributing factor to the current climate crisis. In light of this, I will propose an alternative attitude based on kinship with nature, which promises to foster more adequate environmental behavior. The follow-up discussion after the presentation will focus on exploring other potentially beneficial attitudes toward nature, with particular attention to non-Western ones. https://sustainability-mylo.tokyo/en/news/11321.html