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Hit and sunk? Yugoslav Jews in the 1930s and the boycott of German production
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Hit and sunk? Yugoslav Jews in the 1930s and the boycott of German production In the 1930s, Yugoslavia faced its own difficulties and a change in political course after the rise of Adolf Hitler to power. The community of Yugoslav Jews joined the boycott of German production to varying degrees, as it was a reprisal for the Nazi oppression of German Jews, an attempt to economically weaken Hitler's Germany, and a response to the growing aversion to everything German. In the economic field, the so-called chain letter spread awareness of the boycott movement. It represented an attempt to make the sale of German goods more difficult and appeared in Zagreb and Sarajevo. But the boycott affected other spheres as well, for example culture (German plays, cinema), sports and everyday life (spa, travelling). The contribution builds on the previous results of historiographical research and presents new results obtained from the former Yugoslav press, reports of foreign correspondents and archival funds of non-state institutions. Yugoslavia; Jews; Nazis; Germany; Boycott