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Close Ties With the Future Emperor. Giovanni Battista Salvago and His Successful Nunciature in Graz
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Close Ties With the Future Emperor. Giovanni Battista Salvago and His Successful Nunciature in Graz " Appointing a papal diplomat to an important princely court, and especially to the centre of the Holy Roman Empire, was a well-considered move that had a specific logic behind it. It was also the case of Giovanni Battista Salvago who was firstly sent to the archducal court in Gratz in 1607. In the end of 1610, during a period marked by the tough negotiations within House Habsburg about the succession after Rudolph II, Salvago became the papal nuncio to the imperial court in Prague. In my contribution I will try to trace the reasons for Salvago’s „promotion“ which the papal curia of Paul V might have contemplated. Among these, his successful nunciature in Gratz and the close relationship established with Ferdinand of Styria and his family stand out, having created significant opportunities for Salvago’s further career." Papal nuncio; Giovanni Battista Salvago; Genoa; Graz; imperial court; 17th century