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Women’s Voices at the Century’s End: Postfeminist Landscape in Rebecca Prichard’s Yard Gal
Autoři: Kalavská Petra
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Women’s Voices at the Century’s End: Postfeminist Landscape in Rebecca Prichard’s Yard Gal The presentation concentrates on the 1990s, the younger generation of British dramatists and new writing characterised not only by the depiction of male discomfort and disaffection but also by the representation of girls misbehaving, being violent, and reversing gender roles. Even though the plays by British women who started writing in the 1990s were not seen to fit into the category of women’s drama, the presentation builds on more recent research and suggests that the plays by the younger generation of women can be disinterred from what Elaine Aston calls “a masculine cult of in-yer-face-ism” and that they can be studied in the context of women’s playwriting. The presentation focuses on Rebecca Prichard’s critically well-accepted play Yard Gal (1998) and proposes that the dramatic work is subtly feminist and implicitly political. Yard Gal challenges all the myths that the postfeminist era helped to create and criticises apolitical power feminism, which does not aim to transform the social reality of those who are on the edge of British society. British Drama; Postfeminism; Rebecca Prichard; Yard Gal