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Being at Home in the World
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society - New Series
Název nakladatele: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG
Místo vydání: Berlin
Strana od-do: 247-267
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Být na světě jako doma Roy Holland popisuje smysl platónské výchovy jako "být na světě jako doma". V tomto článku hájím Hollandovo pojetí, jak žít dobrý a šťastný život proti "habituální" koncepci Matthew Ratcliffa. filosofie domova; láska ke světu; odcizení; Roy Holland; Simone Weil; platónská etika; krása a dobrota; Pablo Casals; Wittgenstein o úžasu ; Ratcliffe o existenciálních pocitech; Raimond Gaita o vděku; pýcha a pokora; utrpení
eng Being at Home in the World Roy Holland describes the point of Platonic education as "being at home in the world". In this paper, I defend Holland's notion of how to live a good and happy life against the habitual conception. I first identify three typical characteristics of home in a narrow sense. I then zoom out to the existential question of being at home in the world and contrast two positions. I claim that Matthew Ratcliffe's habitual conception of existential feelings explains why the sense of home enhances vitality but does not make space for ethical understanding and education. Then, I interpret Holland's Platonic position in two steps. First, I consider the attitude of wondering at the existence of the world in Pablo Casals and Ludwig Wittgenstein. Second, I spell out Gaita's concept of unconditional gratitude using Simone Weil's conception of love of the beauty of the world. Philosophy of Home; Love of the World; Alienation; Roy Holland; Simone Weil; Platonic Ethics; Beauty and Goodness; Pablo Casals; Wittgenstein on Wonder; Ratcliffe on Existential Feelings; Raimond Gaita on Gratitude; Pride and Humility; Suffering