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Wolves, Wildness and Rewilding in Charlotte McConaghy’s Once There Were Wolves
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Wolves, Wildness and Rewilding in Charlotte McConaghy’s Once There Were Wolves In her 2021 novel Once There Were Wolves, Charlotte McConaghy immerses readers in the stunning landscape of the Cairngorms National Park in the Scottish Highlands. The story follows biologist Inti Flynn, who embarks on a mission to rewild Scotland by reintroducing wolves to the region. However, the discovery of a local farmer's body ignites Inti's fear that the community will take it as a wolf kill, prompting her to investigate on her own to protect the wolves. The presentation explored how McConaghy skillfully intertwines elements of crime fiction and nature writing to amplify the novel's environmental appeal. Further, it focused on the themes of wildness and rewilding examining their implications for both ecological preservation and human relationships with the natural world. Finally, incorporating wolves into the crime narrative was discussed, drawing attention to the contrast between the wolf’s symbolic value and realistic depiction as well as to the clearly made distinction between animal predation and human violence, as other elements emphasizing the environmental dimension of the novel. crime fiction; ecocriticism; Wildness; Rewilding; Charlotte McConaghy; Once There Were Wolves