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The Experience of Corporal Punishment in Schools
Autoři: Zitková Helena
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng The Experience of Corporal Punishment in Schools The use of corporal punishment in schools is a serious pedagogical issue. Many studies have highlighted the negative consequences of corporal punishment and its harmful effects on children. The present study aims to explore the experience with corporal punishment in schools within the context of the Czech Republic. Despite international obligations to protect children from physical and mental violence, some Czech teachers may still use corporal punishment due to legal ambiguities and wide societal acceptance especially in child rearing by parents. The study's findings indicated that over one-third of participants had personally experienced corporal punishment at school, and more than two-thirds had witnessed it occurring. The study also revealed the emotional responses to these experiences, which were predominantly negative, and provided insights into the respondents' contemporary opinions on the use of corporal punishment in educational settings. The findings underscore the need for clearer legal frameworks and increased awareness to protect children from corporal punishment in schools. corporal punishment; educational settings; the Czech Republic; personal experience; emotional responses