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Divadlo v pevnostním Hradci Králové. Od 1796 do roku 1847
Rok: 2023
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Divadlo v pevnostním Hradci Králové. Od 1796 do roku 1847 The development of Hradec Králové, the royal dowry town and bishop's seat, which was transformed into a fortress town between 1766 and 1789, at first glance contrasted with the logic of urbanisation. The existence of a military fortress limited the life of the city in times of war conflicts and in peacetime: structurally it could not leave the fortress walls, it could not industrialise the suburbs and then integrate them into the urban agglomeration. If the city stagnated economically and demographically, then - perhaps somewhat paradoxically - the development of educational structures as well as sociality was not negligible. In a functional symbiosis with the military garrison, a bourgeois amateur theatre emerged, whose production was supplemented by itinerant theatre companies. In the pre-March period, its unmistakable personality is the professor of the Hradec Králové Grammar School V. K. Klicpera. In 1868, two years after the anachronism of the existence of the Hradec Králové fortress was proven, the first amateur theatre association, the Unity of Amateur Theatre Players, was founded.