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God, Nation, Labour. Russian Fascism in Manchuria in 1930s
Autoři: Vydra Zbyněk
Rok: 2023
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng God, Nation, Labour. Russian Fascism in Manchuria in 1930s Russian émigré community in Kharbin was one of the most central in the Russian diaspora in the 1920s and 1930s. It consisted of various groups of émigrés who escaped from Russia during and after the civil war and was politically and ideologically very heterogeneous. The conference paper is focused on a far-rightist group within this community - the Russian fascists. The fascist movement in Kharbin emerged gradually in the mid-1920s and became prominent in the 1930s. The All-Russian Fascist Party in Kharbin, led by Konstantin Rodzaevskii, played a very active role in the Far East and aspired to create a global fascist Russian organisation. However, the connection with Russian fascists in the USA lasted briefly (1933-1934). The paper is based on an analysis of the fascist press (e.g., newspapers Nash Puť and Natsiia), ideological and programme prints (e. g. Azbuka fashizma etc.) and various archival documents (archives in Russia, Germany, USA). It asks several key questions: what was the place of Russian fascists from Kharbin in the Russian Far Right movement; how successful were the fascists in mobilising the local population; how specific was the ideology of Russian fascists in the context of global fascism? The paper focuses on the importance of Anti-Semitism in the fascist worldview.