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Tea and Consent: Reflections on the Changing Grammar of a Moral Concept
Autoři: Hämäläinen Nora Fiona Karolina
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: kapitola v odborné knize
Název zdroje: Ethical Inquiries after Wittgenstein
Název nakladatele: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
Místo vydání: Cham
Strana od-do: 157-171
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Tea and Consent: Reflections on the Changing Grammar of a Moral Concept In the autumn of 2015 the Thames Valley police launched the #ConsentisEverything campaign, featuring a YouTube video explaining sexual consent through an analogy with offering someone tea. With stick figures in increasingly absurd tea-drinking situations, and a laconic voice over, the video attests to and takes part in a complex renegotiation of what in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s terms could be called the grammar of sexual relations in contemporary liberal societies. Drawing on the work of Wittgenstein as well as Michel Foucault, Ian Hacking, and Cora Diamond this chapter analyses these ongoing changes, as they come forth in and around the video, and reflects on what thinking about them can contribute to making philosophical sense of moral change more widely. sexual consent; moral change; moral progress; moral grammar; Wittgenstein; askesis
eng Tea and Consent: Reflections on the Changing Grammar of a Moral Concept In the autumn of 2015 the Thames Valley police launched the #ConsentisEverything campaign, featuring a YouTube video explaining sexual consent through an analogy with offering someone tea. With stick figures in increasingly absurd tea-drinking situations, and a laconic voice over, the video attests to and takes part in a complex renegotiation of what in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s terms could be called the grammar of sexual relations in contemporary liberal societies. Drawing on the work of Wittgenstein as well as Michel Foucault, Ian Hacking, and Cora Diamond this chapter analyses these ongoing changes, as they come forth in and around the video, and reflects on what thinking about them can contribute to making philosophical sense of moral change more widely. sexual consent; moral change; moral progress; moral grammar; Wittgenstein; askesis