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Prostitution in Czechoslovakia from 1918 until 1938
Autoři: Kleinová Dominika
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Prostitution in Czechoslovakia from 1918 until 1938 "The primary aim of this presentation is to show the research of dissertation thesis about the phenomenon of prostitution through analysing medical, political, and social discourses during the interwar period in the Czechoslovakia. Data will be extracted from historical and archival records in Slovakia and Czech Republic. The topic is one of the subjects less studied by medical and social history in Slovakia, nevertheless in the Czech Republic, researchers focused on the history of prostitution and created interesting studies. Much of the current literature on prostitution pays particular attention to pornography, art, and photography. The design of the research will be based on the analysis and the interpretation of medical, political, and social discourses. The historical and archival records will be analysed by internal and external criticism. Prostitution; Interwar period; Sexuality; Czechoslovakia; History