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Esterházy Péter cseh szerzői arculata
Autoři: Pató Marta
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: kapitola v odborné knize
Název zdroje: Külországi könyvespolcokon: Tanulmányok Esterházy Péter idegen nyelvű recepciójáról
Název nakladatele: Reciti
Místo vydání: Budapest
Strana od-do: 183-198
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Esterházyho česká autorská tvář Kapitola se věnuje paratextům, v nichž je modelována autorská tvář maďarského spisovatele Pétera Esterházyho. kulturní transfer; Péter Esterházy; postmoderní literatura; střední Evropa.
eng The Czech Image of Péter Esterházy The foundation of cultural transfer lies not only in translated literary volumes but paratexts as well: together they constitute the “authorial image” of the translated writer. The superlatives used in the paratexts and peritexts analyzed here show the author as a sort of icon. Péter Esterházy’s Czech authorial image has formed slowly over the past thirty years, owing to multiple factors. The body of modern and postmodern literature available to the Czech reader of the 1990s was much smaller than it was for Hungarians, who proved much more well-read and ambitious on this field. Furthermore, Eastern European literature in the 1990s was primarily a source of information, often making Esterházy’s writing a disappointment for his reviewers. Esterházy’s texts addressed members of the Czech intelligentsia who were at home in Christian circles, in particular those who have had experiences with tending to spiritual freedom, freedom of speech, and personal integrity. Certain texts, in fact, were read as if they were directly addressed to particular Czech reviewers. These texts also aim at the purification of the text even graphically and are liberated from the brand of the superlatives, opening a space for seeking words to describe situations or even taboos. The inspirational effect of Esterházy’s works is referenced by Dora Kaprálová’s Zimní kniha o lásce, which, at the same time, can mean the search for and reverence of language, and not in the least the search for love. Esterházy’s postmodern works point out a problematic aspect of the modern novel from the viewpoint of the readers, i.e. its abandonment of the fabula. The difference between the critical reception and readers’ expectations of modern novels can also be observed in Esterházy’s Czech reception. The modern and postmodern novel are no best-sellers since they have very few true readers. cultural transfer; Péter Esterházy; postmodern fiction, central Europe.