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Unfinished: On Venice Saved – a Q&A with Silvia Caprioglio Panizza and Philip Wilson
Autoři: Caprioglio Panizza Silvia | Wilson Philip
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - článek
Název zdroje: Attention : the life and legacy of Simone Weil
Strana od-do: 1
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Unfinished: On Venice Saved – a Q&A with Silvia Caprioglio Panizza and Philip Wilson Interview with Silvia Caprioglio Panizza and Philip Wilson in the online journal Attention: The life and legacy of Simone Weil. In 2019 yet another one of Simone Weil’s unfinished works, Venice Saved, was resurrected thanks to a new translation by Silvia Caprioglio Panizza (University College Dublin) and Philip Wilson (University of East Anglia). Apart from a bootleg translation that had circulated for some years, Panizza and Wilson were the first to translate Weil’s three-act tragic play into English. They include numerous revealing extracts from Weil’s notebooks that sketch out her ideas about the direction of the uncompleted play. Panizza and Wilson also add commentaries and endnotes to fill in a number of the blanks left open by Weil. Simone Weil; translation; tragedy; Venice Saved; literature; beauty; friendship; gravity; grace
eng Unfinished: On Venice Saved – a Q&A with Silvia Caprioglio Panizza and Philip Wilson Interview with Silvia Caprioglio Panizza and Philip Wilson in the online journal Attention: The life and legacy of Simone Weil. In 2019 yet another one of Simone Weil’s unfinished works, Venice Saved, was resurrected thanks to a new translation by Silvia Caprioglio Panizza (University College Dublin) and Philip Wilson (University of East Anglia). Apart from a bootleg translation that had circulated for some years, Panizza and Wilson were the first to translate Weil’s three-act tragic play into English. They include numerous revealing extracts from Weil’s notebooks that sketch out her ideas about the direction of the uncompleted play. Panizza and Wilson also add commentaries and endnotes to fill in a number of the blanks left open by Weil. Simone Weil; translation; tragedy; Venice Saved; literature; beauty; friendship; gravity; grace