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Love (and Empathy) in the Private and in the Public Realm: A Dialogistic Outlook
Autoři: Strammer Philip
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - konference, koncert
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Love (and Empathy) in the Private and in the Public Realm: A Dialogistic Outlook Although primarily concerned with the I-You as the fundamental form of genuine relationship, Martin Buber’s dialogical philosophy also makes way for the possibility of a less-than-reified togetherness that is not of a merely dyadic form (as for instance when he speaks of the “essential We”). And although love, for Buber, is inseparably tied to the genuine relationship, it is not considered an emotion but a “metapsychical fact” , fundamental to any form of togetherness. In this paper, I want to show that, following the above two claims, love must be understood to play a crucial role a dialogistic picture of interpersonality, both on the private and on the public level: despite becoming manifest primarily in unmediated, concrete interpersonal engagements, love must also be taken to ‘nourish’ even the most anonymous and distanced public interactions. In developing this picture, I will a) show that love, even if not understood to be an emotion, must be partly realized in emotions, such as pity, remorse, and, perhaps most importantly, empathy, and b) sketch what it means for love and ‘its’ emotions to become corrupted.